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Kurai's POV

I can't believe they had the audacity to invite me to their wedding! It was as though they were rubbing salt in the wounds in my heart. I wanted to avoid the wedding. I didn't want to see them give "lovesick puppy eyes" at each other. It makes me sick. It was fucking fake, and I know it. They disgusted me.

'Kurai, I'm really disappointed in you.' my father said. 'One, you didn't get the daughter of Hayashi Hiroto, and two, you didnt even get a single bride! Not even any fathers of suitors came to me to ask for your hand.'

'Father, I'm sorry. I promise I'll get (Y/n).'

He laughed at me. Shaking his head in disappointment

'How pathetic are you, son? (Y/n) is getting married to Kaedehara Kazuha—the son of one of the strongest clans in all of Inazuma. Do you think she is an idiot who would leave that man? Hayashi would want this. He wants the power, and that comes from the alliance. There is no way he'd let this wedding be called off.'

'Father, their wedding is all a fad. Those two aren't in love with each other! They just met each other two days ago! It's a marriage of convenience!'

'Oh c'mon Kurai! I could tell that without even looking at those two. Those two are fakes, but no one will believe you or me. They would think you're going through a desperate attempt to get (Y/n). Everyone knows the power the Kaedeharas have.'

'Father, I have a way we can get her!'

'How hmm? What power do you possess that will make her immediately leave her husband? Please don't tell me you'll hire an assassin. We all know that Ayato has the Shuumatsuban working for him. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want his brother-in-law's brother killed, and anyway, you couldn't defeat Kazuha all those years ago. Might I add he was unarmed?'

'Father, it isn't an assassin a-and that fight was unfair! I was tripped!'

Well, not an assassin, technically.

'Ha, seriously? Son, just admit defeat.'

'Father, please just listen to me! The Muramasa! The cursed blade! It can help us!'

'Oh god! Boy, that is just a myth! It isn't real. What are you going to do? Stab him with air?'

(Y/n)'s POV

Well, this marriage of convenience is working. I'm still in awe at that. I sighed, lying in my bed. I felt myself slowly nod off to sleep. I looked around to see I was in one of those lucid dreams. I was walking around when I froze in fear. I saw the Muramasa blade. My eyes widened as I saw its iconic wave-shaped structure. The blade's front and back patterns looked alike.

'The cursed blade.' I whispered to myself

I slowly made my way to it. My hands shook as I neared it. A smoky demon with red eyes hissed at me, thus revealing the millions of sharp teeth it had.

'W-Who are you!' I said, trying to be brave

'I am Sengo Muramasa.' he said harshly. 'The maker of the Muramasa.'

My eyes widened. Sengo Muramasa was but a mere myth, right? So was his katana. He was angry, arrogant, jealous of everything around him, and had ambitions that were purely evil.

'What do you want from me.' I said, reaching for my katana as he turned to dust.

'I am here to tell you...dark times are coming for you.' he said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I flinched in surprise and swiftly turned to point my katana at him. He chuckled, touching the tip of the katana.

'Ah, this katana of yours...' he began. 'It reminds me of the Kusanagi. The magical sword given by the gods.'

'Stay back!' I yelled

'No need for violence, dear.'

'Don't call me dear.'

'Someone close to you will betray you (Y/n).' he whispered into my ear.'They will stab you in the back. Don't trust everyone around you. They will take everything away from you.'

I pushed him off me.

'No one will hurt me!'

'Oh dear (N/n)...you don't have a choice here. Your fate is written in the stars already. It's too late.'

'You're lying!'

'Am I?' he asked, smirking at me. 'You're a cursed child. Cursed with the disease of the stars. Your downfall is imminent.'

'I know how to protect myself!' I yelled at him

'Whoever said that you were the only person getting hurt, hm?'

I felt my feet sink into the ground slowly, and I tried to get out without any avail. He watched me as I slowly sank into the inky depths. I gasped one last time for air before sinking. I jolted upright in fear. I took deep breaths and was drenched in my sweat. I was back home. In my room, all alone. I took a deep breath and stared into the mirror. What did he mean someone would betray me? Who would do that? Sure, my father could, but he wasn't "close" to me. My brother was going to leave for a voyage in a few days, so he couldn't be someone to suspect. I took in a shaky breath...w-what if my new husband was the one who would betray me. Kazuha wouldn't do that, right?

'It was a dream, but why did it feel so real?' I muttered to myself, 'This feels wrong. Something's up. Maybe I should visit Lady Miko soon.'

 I'm pretty sure she'll know about the Muramasa. I mean, the sword is ancient and was lost to time, but she must've been alive during the cataclysm. I wiped my eyes in exhaustion. My wedding is soon, and this dream just so happens to come to me. Something is afoot. I need to solve this before it becomes true. I held the picture of my mother in my hands.

'Give me strength, Mother.' I whispered, 'I'll need it.'

Hoshiko's POV

I felt the winds pick up. A storm is coming. (Y/n), my daughter...stay safe. I may be trapped here, but I will protect you to the best of my ability. Forgive me for not being here with you...Your father led to my downfall, but don't let him lead to your downfall. A small maple leaf flew into my hand. I could tell it was a maple leaf from the texture and shape. I traced my fingers around it. I may be blind but I know someone will watch over you as my eyes.

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