part:-10 misunderstanding

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Narrator pov-

Baiboon woke up with a headache and puffy swollen eyes. When he remembers yesterday's events his heart clenched. He shrugged his thoughts and went to the bathroom and did his business. He is ready to go to school but he was in no mood to go to school but still he did. When he went downstairs, grandma nee goes to him with concerned face.

Grandma nee:- what happened boon? Why is your face puffy hmmm? Are you sick? Tell me dear.

Baiboon:- No, grandma. Boon is fine. Just a little headache nothing worse.(with a forced smile)

Grandma nee:- ohh my are you okay. You don't have to go to school if you're not okay. Your health is more important than anything else.

Baiboon:- (sigh) I'm fine grandma. No need to worry naa. I'm fine.

Grandma nee:- okay. I'll bring your breakfast wait...

Baiboon:- no grandma. I don't have appetite. I'll eat in lunch break.

Grandma nee:- No dear, you have to eat food no matter what. I won't accept no's from you. Okay?

Baiboon:- .....okay.

After tons of nagging baiboon eat a little. After that when he went towards to the car, his heart shattered like a glass. He saw mhai(maid) proposed to khom. Khom just stand there with no expression on his face. Baiboon thought that khom loves mhai but what about him. He also love him but he never reciprocate his love. Khom saw baiboon standing there with a blank expression. Baiboon came towards them. Mhai shocked to see baiboon, so she just bowed her head and goes inside the house. Now in the parking area no one say anything. Just baiboon and khom eyeing each other. A tension felt everyone who's standing there. Then baiboon did something that shocked everyone.

Baiboon:- khun khom, can you send me to school as I'm being late?
  (He said in a poker face but his his heart screaming inside)

Khom:- Ba.... baiboon why.....

Baiboon:- Phi lop, can you send me to school? If khun khom is busy with something urgent then it's okay.

Khom:- I'm sending you to school. I've no urgent things. It's okay.

He doesn't know why his heart felt a pain like someone stabbed him with knife. His eyes, heart felt hurt because of Baiboon's behaviour towards him.

Then baiboon sat on the backseat in the car and looked outside. This silence makes khom tensed. He finally breaks it.

Khom:- Baiboon, why do you talk to me like that. And what you see that's not what it is. You see.....

Baiboon:- khun khom it's your privacy and I respect that. And about talking I think about it very to thoroughly that it's better this way. You also told me that I am your boss's brother that means I am also your boss. Am I right?

Khom:- That I told you first, but after you told me your perspective, I just....

Baiboon:- khun khom, you don't need detailed. I think it's right that's why I called you.

Then baiboon closed his eyes and prevent his tears for falling. He loves khom wholeheartedly but khom doesn't love him like he did. That's why he decided that he will be distanced from him. After sometime Khom stopped the car and baiboon opened his eyes and gets out of the car. The whole time baiboon didn't stop and looked backwards because if he looked towards him he couldn't keep his straight face.  After Khom makes sure Baiboon goes to the corridor, he left. In the whole school time, baiboon didn't talk with anyone. He  went to washroom and cried his heart out. He always feels unlucky. He always thinks that if he didn't born neither of this could happen. His father hates him. But his brother and his in law's always prioritise him in everything. When he saw khom, he felt another fellings inside him. But he can't be his. After sometime, he went to class and sat. His friends sensed that something wrong with him, but they can't say to him. After million times passed, class bell rang. That means school is over. Khom picked him up he expects baiboon smile at him but he disappointed baiboon didn't even look at him. He feels his heart clenched. The car silence makes him anxious so he decided to break it. He said something to baiboon and baiboon eyes are wide open. He couldn't believe him but khom's eyes sincerety makes him believe him.

................what khom said to baiboon that makes his eyes widened?................

a cliffhanger episode with sadness 💔

What happened next in their story so please stay tuned


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:) Author 💜

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