Part:15 Family

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Narrator pov-

Kim went to baiboon's room for some talks but he is feeling very nervous about this. That makes baiboon also worried.
After he want to talk something then kamol entered in Baiboon's room to ease Kim.

Kamol:- Boon we want to talk to you something very serious.

Baiboon hesitantly nodded his head.

Kamol:- Boon you know father's behaviour towards you. He neglects you right?

Baiboon stomach churning because of that statement. He knows his father's behaviour towards him is always bad. He curses him and sometimes hit him. But he doesn't know the reason for his behaviour. He doesn't know that what bad he did to his father to that he treated him badly.

Baiboon hesitantly nodded and ask him to continue.

Kim:- Boon do you also want that someone who pampered you like a father did for their child?

Baiboon:- Yes phi I always wanted that. (Sobbing) you know phi while in Korea, one day our school had a function because of father's day. They told us they want everyone's father to present in school for the function. Everyone's father came with them but I was alone.

Baiboon:- (crying) you know hia, I asked father about this but he slapped me and called me burden. I was the unlucky child for him. When I was born, mom died. I was the reason of that. Am I unlucky hia? Am I the reason mom died? If I wasn't born mom would still alive right?

Kamol hugged baiboon tightly in his arms. Baiboon crying in his arms. Kim's eyes also teared up. He never want to see his loved one cries. He hugged both of them. They all hugged each other.

Kamol:- No, no my boon. Look at me, you aren't unlucky or undeserving. You are my brother. My baby brother. My baby. I always love you no matter what.

Kim:- Yes my boon. Not only your hia loves you. I also love you. Everyone in this house loves you. You are a sunshine to our family. You are our family.

After their emotional breakdown, Kim said something to baiboon that leads him to shock.

Kim:- Boon, me and kamol always wanted a child. We want to start a family. We want to adopt you as our child. Our son. Would you mind that for being your parents?

Baiboon was shocked to say anything.

Kamol:- But only if you are comfortable with that. We won't force you. It's your right. We always respect your decision.

Baiboon hugged both of them and cried like a baby in their arms.

Baiboon:- Are you serious? You want me to be your son. I am an unlucky. I am undeserving.

Kamol:- Never ever say that boon. You are ours. You are never undeserving or unlucky. We are lucky to have a child like you. So would you mind?

Baiboon:- Never never. I am lucky if you want to be my parents. I am beyond happy to be your child.

Kim and kamol are in cloud 9 that baiboon want to be their son. Their own child.

Kim:- So is my baby hungry?

Baiboon:- yes...can I call you Papa and hia as Dad?

Kamol:- (stammering) boon you want us to call dad and papa?

Baiboon nodded in small. They chuckled at his cuteness.

Kim:- baby call us whatever you want to. We are so happy to be your papa and Dad. You are now our baby.

Kamol:- Now, stop crying everyone. We have to celebrate for us. Let's eat.

Kim and baiboon nodded and hugged kamol.

At dining table

Kamol, Kim and baiboon sat on the table for dinner. Suddenly a guard came running to them.

Guard:- Boss, our secret base is attacked by Danai's men's.

Kamol:- What? How they know where is our base? Where is khom?

Guard:- Boss, phi khom is at the base. He kills all of them and he is in the hospital injured.

Baiboon was shocked but when he get to know khom's injury. His eyes glistening with tears.

Kamol:- Let's go to the hospital.

Baiboon:- Dad, I want to see phi khom. Please take me with you?

Kim:- yes khun. I also want to see him.

Kamol:- Okay then, Let's go.

They all drove to the hospital. The doctor greeted kamol.

Kamol:- how's khom doc?

Doctor:- He is in the OT. He lost a very amount of blood. We can't say anything.

Baiboon's body went numb after hearing the doctor's words. He doesn't understand what's happening? Baiboon is just praying to God that khom recovers.



•Baiboon finally found his family love.

•Is khom fine or not?

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:) Author 💜

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