Slow dancing

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Entering the university , again Yn started to search for Taehyung .

She was walking towards their locker.

When she halted her steps .

She disliked a bit when she saw he was talking with other girls while smiling .

Why it suddenly disturbed her?

Slowly she took her steps and went towards her .

Just when his gaze fell on her , his smile would be incomparable to that which he gave the other girls .

His smile was different from all the times . The smile that could only she could bring on his face no one had the right .

Seeing his smile automatically her heart overwhelmed with joy .

All her disturbance went away with just his smile .

Taehyung : Ynnie !! I missed you .

Saying that he hugged her as it was normal for them .

But it created some sensation inside Yn's heart . She didn't know why she was feeling all of these .

It was new and she was confused .

She couldn't understand why her heart always started beating now a days .

Whenever she felt his presence everything felt surprisingly amazing .

Happiness started to dance in her small world . And the source was him . Only him .

Taehyung : Ynn !!

He called that's when she snapped out from her thoughts .

Yn : Y-yeah !!

Taehyung : Are you alright ?

Saying that he looked at her worriedly while his almond eyes were gazing at her deeply while cupping her face .

A blush crept on her face .

She couldn't make the eye contact because again those weird sensation started to rush down her body . She felt some tingling sensation started to dance in her stomach .

She avoided his gaze .

Yn : I'm okay .

She said and backed off trying to calm down her heart .

Taehyung : Let's go to class .

Yn nodded and they went towards their classroom .


Yn was scrolling through her phone when she received a phone call from Taehyung.

The clock was showing 5 pm .

She wondered why he had called her .

She received the call .

Yn : Hello !!

Taehyung : Yn!! I'm getting bored . Will you come to my place ? We'll have a sleepover .

It's been 1 year and she knew she could trust him enough .

Yn : Yeah . I'm coming .

Listening his giggles in response she felt nice .

Yn : Control your happiness bear.

Hearing this little nickname he was overwhelmed . The calm soothing voice of her always made him overjoyed .

Taehyung : Come fast . Bear is waiting for you .

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