Chapter 3 - Meeting

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3rd Person

The three rushed down stairs and saw Lucas, Dustin, Steve and Robin all at the door.

Lucas and Dustin looked up and saw Will's tear streaked face, and pushed passed Nancy and Jonathan to go and see Will.

"What happened!?"

"Are you okay?"

"Are you hurt?" They both asked all at once.

Will smiled slightly and wiped away his tears.

"Let's all just sit down and I'll explain everything." Will told them, and everybody went into the basement and sat down.

Mike, Will and Nancy all sat on one couch.

Eleven, Dustin and Lucas were all on another.

Robin, Steve and Jonathan were all scattered on the floor.

"So..?" Robin started.

"Okay so we all know about Vecna and him opening the gates and stuff, right?" Nancy checked, and everybody nodded.

"Okay good, now we all know how Will was a spy for the mindflayer, right?" She looked around and saw Robin confused.

"Wait, who's Will?" She asked.

"Me." Will spoke shyly.

"Ah! Hi!" Robin waved cheerily, making Will smile, and he waved back.

"Okay anyway, Vecna has been tormenting someone." Nancy told them all.

"Oh shit!"


"Is it you?"

"Who is it?"

Everyone was firing questions at her.

"QUIET." She shouted over all of the noise.

Everybody quietened down and let her speak.

"No. It isn't me again, it's Will." She told them all, and all eyes went to Will.

He squirmed uncomfortably, hating all the attention being on him.

"Will, what happened?" Lucas panicked.

"I- It was just a nightmare.. It was nothing." Will looked down, not wanting to talk about it.

"If it was nothing then why are we here?" Steve asked, not particularly interested in what Will has to say.

"Don't be rude." Nancy snapped at him, still a bit uncomfortable around him after his whole love confession.

"Vecna did the same as he did to me. He was showing Will images. But they were alot worse then what I saw." Nancy explained, and Lucas looked over at Will.

"What did he show you.?" Lucas asked Will, who teared up.

Will shook his head, knowing if he said anything the tears would start to spill.

"Do you want me to tell them for you?" Nancy whispered to him, to which Will nodded gratefully.

"Vecna showed him Dustin. And he was.. dead." Nancy told them, and Dustin went white.

"And he had bite marks all over him. Lucas was holding him, crying." She gulped.

Steve looked over at Dustin, fear evident in his face.

"He saw Mike." Nancy spoke up, and all the attention was on Mike now.

"H-His bones where snapped. And his eyes where.. gone." She muttered, feeling herself tear up.

"Holy shit.." Some of them muttered.

"And Vecna showed Will himself." Nancy revealed.

Everybody looked at Will who's head was hung low.

"His bones were snapped. And his eyes were gone as well. A-And Jonathan and Joyce were with him." Nancy looked up at Jonathan, who was staring at Will.

{Word Count: 504}

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