Chapter 2 - Nightmare

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3rd Person

"Will." A voice woke Will up.

He opened his eyes but everything was black.

"Where am I..?" He whispered to himself.

"Don't ingore me, Will." The voice spoke again, and Will flinched.

"No. No no no!" Will panicked, looking around to see if there was any way out.

"You cannot escape, Will. Only when I let you go."

"No please go away!" Will began to cry, fear filling his body.

"Don't be afraid. I just need you to tell everyone what you see." The voice told him.

Will was confused, before he began to see images.

There were his friends, but they were dead. Dustin had bite marks all over his entire body, and Lucas was holding him crying.

"No! No stop!" Will cried.

He saw Mike, his eyes sucked into the back of his head and his limbs snapped.

Will began to sob, his entire body shaking.

He saw his mum and brother holding someone, crying.

He saw his hometown, completey destroyed. Monsters roaming around freely, feeding on the people scattered around.

He saw him, all of his bones snapped, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and with him where his brother and mum, holding him in their arms.

"NO! STOP!" Will cried, and he woke up.

"WILL WHAT HAPPENED?" Mike's voice came from above him, and he could see Eleven, Nancy and Jonathan all stood around him.

They all looked terrified, he must've just had a nightmare.

He touched his face, and there were big tear streaks all down his face.

"I-I had a nightmare.." Will told them, his voice shaking.

"Are you okay?" Nancy asked him, walking over to the bed.

"Yeah.. Yeah I think so." Will whispered, wiping the tears off of his face.

"Are you sure.?" Jonathan asked him, sitting down next to him.

Will let out a small hum, not trusting himself to say anything more.

"Okay.. Well you're lucky it was us who heard you crying and not mum." Jonathan smiled at Will, attempting to joke.

"You all heard me crying?" Will looked up at him.

"Yeah, you kept repeating things." Nancy told him, sitting down next to Jonathan.

"W-What was I saying?" Will panicked.

"You kept saying 'No', and sometimes you said 'Stop' or 'Go away'." Jonathan spoke.

"Oh." Will muttered.

"Yeah.." Jonathan responded, before it went silent for a minute.

"Was it Vecna?" Eleven asked suddenly.

Will's eyes widened, which made everyone already know the answer.

"What did he do to you?" Mike asked him, looking annoyed.

"He was showing me.. things." Will whispered, remembering the image of Mike's broken body.

Nancy's face went white and Jonathan picked this up immediately.

"What? What happened?" Jonathan asked her.

"Vecna did the same to me. And everything he showed me was true.. What did he show you?" Nancy asked Will.

Will tried to respond, but instead burst into tears.

"Woah, Woah what's wrong?" Jonathan hugged Will.

"H-He showed me.. horrible things, Jonathan." Will cried into him.

"What did he show you?" Jonathan looked up at Nancy.

"He showed me Dustin.. a-and he was dead. He h-had these big bite marks e-everywhere." Will cried, and Mike's eyes widended.

"He showed me.. me." Will whispered, and Jonathan waited for him to carry on speaking.

"What did he show you, Will?" Jonathan urged.

"I-I was dead." Will cried.

Everyone went silent.

"M-My bones were snapped. And my e-eyes where gone. And you where there.. and m-mum was there. And you were crying." Will continued, sobbing.

"Did he show you anything else?" Nancy asked him.

"He showed me Mike." Will whispered.

Nancy and Mike both looked at each other, before turning back to Will.

"What did he show you, Will?" Mike spoke firmly.

"You were dead. You looked the same as me-" Will tried to speak but no words came out, just loud cries.

Everyone took in what Will just said, and sat in silence.

"We need to call everyone over. Now." Nancy got up and stormed over to the phone.

"Jonathan, can I talk to Will a minute?" Mike asked Jonathan, who nodded weakly and went to go and help Nancy.

El and Mike stayed back to comfort the crying boy.

"Will, I promise you none of that is going to happen." Mike hugged Will, who instantly hugged back.

Mike looked over at Eleven for support, but she looked terrified and she was staring into space.

"Mike we don't know that!" Will sobbed, burrying his head further into Mike's chest.

"Shh, I promise it'll be okay." Mike rubbed Will's back.

A knock on the door broke them out of their thoughts, and they all rushed out to go and see everyone.

{Word Count: 793}

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