3 - Introductions

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As train continued its journey towards Magnolia, the atmosphere among Fairy Tail mages was quickly changing. Relieved from no longer having to worry about their injured comrade, everyone quickly became much more cheerful.

Erza relaxed in a seat next to the black haired mage and no longer looked battle ready (as Elrion would have described her until now), Lucy looked more energetic and cat creature was all over the place. Even the shirtless mage, who had been suspiciously watching everything with crossed arms, ever so slightly changed his body posture from aggressive-standby to casual-standby and leaned further into the train seat.

At this moment train arrived to one of the smaller stops. After a few seconds of blinking his eyes, Natsu jumped back on his feet, miraculously and instantly cured of his nausea.

"I am aliiiiive!" - he yelled with his hands raised high into the air, a small stream of a flame escaping his mouth as if he is a flamethrower. "Damn this thing. Next time I am walking and that is final!" Then he focused his attention to Elrion. "So you are Elrion Sradavara huh? Thanks for patching up Lucy, man. We appreciate it." He said this as he enthusiastically gave Elrion a thumbs handshake which he accepted.

"No problem. And it's Sravadar..."

"Right right. We can talk once we are off this cursed thing. Let's go! I am never stepping foot on another train again!"

The shirtless guy finally had enough of now revived Natsu and told him off: "Pipe down flamebrain. It is just a small stop. We have another hour before we reach Magnolia."

With inhuman speed, Natsu turned around and got into his face. "WHAT DID YOU CA - wait, we are not there yet!?"

As if on signal, the train made a sound and slowly started to move again. Natsu's reaction was instant, his face changing colors rapidly. The black haired mage lowered his center of gravity in the seat, ready to jump away in the split of a second should the situation call for it. Luckily for everyone, Natsu managed to collapse back into his seat, his lunch still within him. But he was obviously once again back in his nauseous state. Nobody reacted too much, so Elrion concluded this whole thing must be reoccurring and by now, usual event for them.

Once more returning to his task of fanning Natsu, the talking cat turned its head to Elrion and actually said something constructive for a change: "Come to think of it, we have never gotten to introduce ourselves to you, have we?"

Erza nodded and continued, "With Lucy being injured, we had other priorities. With that taken care of, now is a good time to properly introduce ourselves."

"Then I'll be the first! My name is Happy. Aye!" The talking cat, now identified as Happy, eagerly introduced itself. He also introduced his incapacitated friend. "And the knocked out guy is Natsu Dragneel. Pleased to meet you!" he said, fanning his partner through the introduction process.

"Likewise. Uuum, before we continue - Happy? What are you exactly?" Elrion asked in hope to shed some light on the mysterious creature.

Happy answered innocently. "Can't you see? I am a cat."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Elrion was not sure if the 'cat' is messing with him or not, but concluded he is unlikely to get a better response. "I see. Moving on."

The black haired mage was next, and he gave an almost friendly nod. "Gray Fullbuster. Thanks for the assist."

"Glad I could help. If I may ask, why are you without - wait! Dude, where are your pants!?"

In addition to his missing shirt, Fullbuster was now only in his boxers, his pants gone without a trace. Worse, Elrion did not even realize when he took them off. He was sure he had them on a moment ago before he turned to Happy.

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