Just a kid

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Zara, a little 8 year old.

The empty alcohol bottle hits her arm as the little pieces of glass sink into her skin, a tear rolls of her cheek, her arms bleeds unstoppably, she balls up in the corner as the pain pierces through her whole body,she lets out painful but soft sobs and wipes off her blood with her shirt. 

"You little piece of shit, if you were never born this all would'nt be hapenning, you are the problem, you're just like your mom. Useless and unworthy." her Dad shouts out those painful words and walks out in anger.

Another crash, another bottle hitting the wall, another scream and another tear. Zara slowly crawled to the door of her room and locked it from inside, she layed on the floor, crying silently as she hugs her doll tightly, "Maybe im...really the problem". she said to herself in a whisper, a sad voice as another tear rolls down her cheek, she soon drifts to sleep on the cold floor as if a lifeless body.

2:12 Am

Zara wakes up feeling extremely cold as another pain strikes through her body, she slowly gets up and aids her wounds, She lays on the bed and covers herself with a blanket as her minds repeats the words she was told earlier

"You're just like your mom, useless and unworthy"

"You're the problem"

"You're the problem"

"You're the problem"

"You're the problem"

"you're the problem"

"you're the problem"

"You're the..."

7:00 am

The alarm rings, waking her up. She rubs her eyes and stretches her body, she gets up and goes to her closet, taking out her uniform she then walks to the bathroom to take a bath, "You're the problem" again the words hit her, she just ignores everything and does her usual morning routine. She wears her school uniform happily knowing that her mom will be back today. after sometime she goes outside and takes the juice out from the fridge, pouring it in a glass. She finishes her breakfast and goes out on the road, waiting for her bus.

8:00 am

Her bus finally reaches, she runs towards it and hugs the driver "Heyy..Uncle, goodmorning" she greets him and her friends. "Hey kiddo, Goodmorning. I've kept some sandwiches for you in the lunch box, go take it" Says her Uncle. She happily runs to her seat and opens the lunch box, after some time she finish the sandwich and gets out of the bus, she looks at her school building and walks inside.

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