A dream

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7:00 Am

"Oh, a dream again..?" The 19 year old Zara whispers and gets out of her bed and stretches her body "I need a therapist". This is Zara, a total stone, whose parents are divorced and she lives with her dad, her personality is weird, she's strong but she's weak, she's cold but in the right hands she melts, she hates her parents but she can kill for them. now back to the story.

Zara gets ready for college as usual with a strong outfit and a high pony, she puts a gum in her mouth and gets in her car, driving to the school. as she gets out of the car on reaching her college, she looks around. all the eyes on her already.

A smirk appears on her face as she walks to her class, she bumps into a stone "dang you.." she mumbles and looks up. A tall, pale, brown eyed, burnette, a sharp jaw, rose like lips. she jumps out of her thoughts and pushes him "Can't you see there are people walking? just because you're 6'2 does'nt mean you'll bump into people and not apologize and instead stare into their soul" she rolls her eyes and continues walking to her class.

On reaching the class she seats at the last as the teacher announces "Alright class, we're having a new student today, be nice to him. i hope you all get along with him well" The new student soon comes in as Zara was'nt paying attention a deep voice reaches her ears "Hii..class, im Ali. Just moved in here, im 20 andd.." Zara's eyes soon meet his "That's all".

"Alright Ali, you can sit at the back" Ali looks at the empty seat beside Zara and sits there, Meanwhile Zara connects her bluetooth and plays her favourite music, some minutes later she feels a strong feet on hers, she looks down at her feet "Nike"  

when she looks up her eyes again meet the dark brown "Atleast tell me your name? Since you're stuck with me till the next semester?" Says Ali, Zara takes off her airpods and laughs it off "Name? what are you gonna do with it. Make fun like others do?". Ali confusedly looks at her and nods "ofcourse not..i promise". Zara looks away and sighs heavily "Zara...Zara it is" she nods. The professor looks at both of them and smiles "Well,atleast Zara is making friends". She stands up and replies "Friends? Me? Zara will make friends? haha nice joke" she rolls eyes eyes and takes her bag and goes outside the class as the bell rings.

Throughout the day the both did'nt talk much but as Zara started driving home she saw Ali passing by, on a motorbike "Dang" She increases her speed trying to race him, as she leaves by his side he looks deep into her eyes, she turns her focus back to the road and slows down her speed when she remembers the words said by her mom, "The eyes are what show love, its not always physical touch" Zara smiles a little and sighs.

When she reaches home she does her usual routine and sits in her balcony, she observes a new family moving in the house next to them "They're familiar"..........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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