chapter 2

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"Good morning,Michael !" I greeted my neighbour who was much older than me, a hot,tall,muscular guy, that all the girls in my friend group have been oogling over, I can't but admit the guy is hot and I do want a piece of him myself.
"Good morning Elizabeth, how are you doing this fine morning?" He asked me, my gosh this guy is really huge and hot totally my type.

"I'm fine, and how has Bisi been treating you?"
Too bad my friend got to him first, otherwise I would have flirted a bit with him.

"She is treating me well, how about you come over with the girls later to hang out?" He asked looking at the door of my dorm and then past me.

"Babe, hello!" He waved to Bisi, his attention now fixed on her.

"Hey, hotshot!" Bisi waved back, after a few minutes she laid her eyes on me a hint of disgust and jealousy in her face before she forced a smile.

"Hey Eliza, wanna come over later?" She asked after hugging me and offering the fakest smile she could offer.

"I would love to... but Michael has already offered to host us later today" I said with a genuine smile not due to Bisi, only God knows why I'm friends with her, but because Micheal invited us iver and watching movie at his dorm is much more intresting than watching at my other friends dorms.

"Good thing today is Saturday, we have the whole day to do anything we want, right michael? " She winked at him hinting something that most would miss if not that I spotted the faint blush on Michael's face and Bisi's suggestive wink.

"You lovebirds..." I sabfpfygdklmlid looking around to see if anyone was coming before speaking again.

"Don't have too much fun without me, Ciao" I said finally making my exit after being in that awkward scene for far too long.

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