Chapter 3

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I decided against going to my room as the smell of coffee and baked cookies enticed me,I hounded the smell and  came to a halt as the  scent stopped in front of a cafe named "O café máis doce".
  I have visited this cafe numerous times but never got used to the odd name, I stepped inside taking in the scent and decided to go up to the cashier to order, thank God today was not so busy.

"Good morning m'am" the cashier greeted plainly with a slight hint of fatigue to his tone.
I recognised his tall stature, shaped face and that deep baritone voice.

"Dominick? " I asked to affirm that my eyes are not bewitching me.
His stone cold eyes that had men shivering looked slowly up at me,they warmed up to me as he took in my form, breathing a sigh of relief he responded.

"Oh! Liz!" He paused looking excitedly at me trying his best to not let it show.
"How are you doing?!" He said his eyes shifting to the light brown skin on my arm as if it would help him to improve his coffee making skills, although I can't blame him as it was partially my fault to what happened.

"I'm doing well, I see you've been bulking up for your girlfriends" I teased, a mischivieous grin on my face.

"Am not!" He exclaimed his tone with slight horror as I joked about eating a baby.

"Don't worry, I can help you choose admirable girlfriend" I said taking in his slightly annoyed and playful expression.

"Totally funny, Liz" his tone switching to a sarcastic one.

"Anyways, I was planning to order some food" I said my tone showing I was hungry.

"What would you like to order... m'am" he said the last part grudgingly because of the fact his boss was indirectly scrutinizing his actions.

"I would like to order an iced cappuccino and a chicken sandwich with medium sized fries." I stated as my stomach rumbled loudly hoping no one heard that.

Thank you for reading and please give me any ideas you might have in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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