𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

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𝟬𝟯: 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿

Adira braided her hair to the back before screwing the scope onto her sniper, she whistled lightly as she waited for her target to come into view, as he conversed lightly with these men who looked familiar.

She looked down at the information she'd gathered on him, humming lightly, "Hector's little brother." she muttered.

Apparently, he'd sent Hector to a psychiatric hospital to fix him, there is no fixing child molesters, should've kept a tighter leash on your brother Helio.

She aimed her sniper at him as he started talking to more people, "If only they knew." the bullet whistled through the air as it flew through the back of Helio's head, the blood splattered onto a woman.

Hera stepped back in horror looking at where Helio's body was just standing, Valencia rushed to hold her daughter as she looked at Helio's body as the blood pooled out onto the floor.

Adira shook her head, "A shame really." she muttered as she walked towards the door and walked down the stairs.

When she got to the bottom there were five men waiting, they held their guns at her as she sat her bag down, she reached to scratch her neck as her hand wrapped around the handle of her katana before slicing the two men in the front in the chest, the bullets fired as she moved out of the way before killing the rest of the men.

"That was so unnecessary." she said as she stood over the last man who had a deep wound to his chest.

She took her katana and pressed it down on his wound as he struggled to breathe as blood pooled at his mouth as he took his last breath.

She wiped the blood off her cheek as it dripped down onto her black turtleneck.

Omniscient POV

The Deluca family and Armando's brothers sat in the living room thinking about today's events, "Who'd kill Helio? He was loved by everyone" they all thought.

"What are we going to do?" Orion asked.

"First we need to fi-" Milo started but the doorbell rang.

Killian furrowed his eyebrows before going to the door looking at the package. "It's a package." he said as he sat back down next to Kieran.

Kieran took the package, analyzing it before opening it immediately knowing it wasn't a bomb, he was even more confused as well as everyone in the room when he pulled out a file folder full of pictures.

He threw the pictures onto the table, and spread them out.

Valencia's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach when she saw a picture of Afonso and Hector, a childhood friend, shaking hands.

Valencia's eyes drifted over to a document, that looked like a birth certificate, before she could grab it Hera had it in her grasp, her eyes ran over the page as she read the name Adira Paige DeLuca.

"You cheated on dad." she couldn't help but scream, her brother's eyes snapped towards her as she stood over her mother in rage.

Valencia shook her head, "No mia figlia it's not what you think." she said, her voice wavering.

Her children were young when she got kidnapped and just assumed she'd been on a business trip; they didn't know what had happened to her.

Valencia reached for the paper that was in Hera's hand but she snatched it back, preventing her mother from getting it.

"Mama tell us it isn't true.''Killian said, his arms crossed as his eyes ran over his mother's facial features. Her silence told them all she needed to know.

Angelo and Emilio looked at their sister-in-law with blank faces.

Valencia covered her face as Orion looked at her with a blank face, "What did you do mama?"

Armando stood up looking at all his children, "CALMATI." Armando screamed his deep voice bouncing off the walls in the room

They all stared at their father blankly, "Papa how could you keep her secret." Hera whispered in a broken voice.

"16 years ago your mother was kidnapped by a terrible man who was obsessed with her, she was there for 7 months. Every time I was a step closer to finding her, it disappeared.

Armando now knew why it disappeared because of Hector, he doesn't know where he is but was going to kill him when he found him if he wasn't dead yet.

"The man in the picture was your mother's best friend Hector, Helio's older brother who disappeared 2 years ago.

"Okay that doesn't explain how mother has a bastard child out in the world, "Angelo said.

Valencia sighed softly, "Afonso wanted 2 things from me, he wanted me to love him like I love your father but since I wouldn't give him my love he tortured me a lot, suffocation, burning me and rape." she said with a broken voice.

"When I had the baby, they were so small, he didn't let me look at them or hold them."

"Your father saved me minutes later, I was happy, but I was sad as well not knowing if I would see my child again."

"Even though the child was conceived that way they were my only hope and happiness in that hell."

The room was silent as Hera cried for the things she'd said to her mother.

"Scusa sorella." Antonio said solemnly, he should've known better to even think that Val would cheat on his brother.

(sorry sister)

Antonio wasn't good with his emotions, knowing what had happened with Valencia hurt him but it was still no excuse for the way he'd acted.


Adira walked into the nearest coffee shop as she stared blankly into space, Olivio Rodrigo Vampire played in her ears.

"Bloodsucker, famefucker bleedin me dry like a goddamn vampire." she sang lowly as her body collided with a hard surface.

She looked up, her brown and blue eyes colliding with dark green eyes, that looked down at her, "Sorry." he said as his deep russian accent met her ears.

She got up because she looked stupid just crouching on the ground, her back ached from the compact, she needed to get a refill on painkillers.

A smile cracked at his lips as she stared at him, before she finally snapped out of what trance she was in.

Dominic's intense gaze ran over the woman standing in front of him before turning and walking away towards his car, he pulled his key from his pocket unlocking the door, he turned around as their eyes locked.

Adira snapped her gaze away from him as if it were forbidden, she knew what the rules were and even after her father's death they were embedded in her brain.

A horn honking pulled her from her thoughts, as she realized she was standing on the curb, she turned and saw a car heading straight towards her with no intention of stopping.

A hard body collided with hers, pushing her out the way, she blinked harshly seeing it was the man from before.

He caressed the bruise that was beginning to form at her forehead, her eyes flickered to his lips before she realized their position.

She pushed him away rushing off without thinking to thank him for saving her life.

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