Denki | Night in ☁️

60 1 2

Quirk: Telekinesis

Aged up!
Pro heroes

Finally a day off of hero work. "Y/n~" "hm?" I looked over my shoulder at my husband behind me, he hugged me from behind and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck while I did my makeup "How's my beautiful wife hm?" I giggle and lean my head on his

"I'm great denki I'm so happy we finally get a day off together..we haven't had a single day together since we got married" he nods and pouts while sticking out his lower lip "I knooooow!! A whole two months! It was miserable" I pat his head and he stood up straight, after being together for six years he is finally taller than me, I handed him a brush and finished applying my lipgloss while he brushed my h/l h/c hair. After I was done he combed his hair while I fixed his tie and straightened his tux

Since we first started dating we took dates very seriously and often had dinner dates at least once a month, that tradition carried on even after we got engaged and married "there now you don't look like you got dressed in the dark" I pat his chest and kiss my husbands cheek "you always make me look and feel good" he grabs my waist and smiles while kissing my cheek "aw denki stop it we're gonna be late for our reservation" "awww alright let's go" we walked to the front room and slipped our shoes on, I stopped and held my stomach a sudden pain stabbing me

I lean on the wall and grit my teeth "ah.." denki looks up seeing me leaning on the wall and hands me my heels "y/n? Sparkplug are you okay?" The pain subsides and I take my shoes from my husband's hands "yeah I'm alright my stomach probably just hurts from being so hungry, let's get going" his concerned look doesn't fade completely but he still smiles and walks me out to his car, he opened the door for me before getting in himself and he drives us to a restaurant we held a reservation for

The drive consisted of many beyonce karaoke concerts and talking about movie night after our dinner, the car hits a small bump in the road and the pain in my lower stomach resurfaces "ah..fuck" this time the pain sharper "y/n are you sure your alright?" Denki sounded concerned but I just nodded "yeah it's nothing honey let's have dinner" we pulled up to the restaurant that had a massive line, denki parked and we walked into the restaurant "name?" "Kaminari!" Denki proudly answered while holding me close, the waiter quickly looked up and his face of boredom was quickly replaced by excitement

"Oh my god! Pro heroes Chargebolt and Meras! Right this way" the waiter eagerly led us to our table, the whole time walking the sharp pain didn't disappear this time it was a throbbing pain and my head felt like the room was spinning, but it's our date night and I won't have simple pms pains ruin it "thank you!" "Of course sir" "heheh..yeah" denki looked at the menu obviously bothered "still don't like being called sir?" "It makes me feel old! I'm only twenty three.." he pouted I giggled and picked up my newly filled champagne glass "it's okay denki..or should I say sir" I smirk while bringing the glass to my lips

He pouted and looked at me "sparkpluuug!" I giggle and set my glass down, a waiter comes by and asks for our food order. We talked while we waited for our food to be brought to us we laughed and joked and even talked about a few things that included work life "oh you're not gonna believe who I saw while working with endeavor" "who?" I glance at my husband curious "I ran into kirishima! And guess what? Him and bakugou are getting married in two months" I gasp with my champagne glass in hand "no way! It's about time those two finally tied the knot" "right!? Oh and kirishima said we're getting invitations sent to us soon" "good I was planning on going either way" we laugh and I bring the glass to my lips

"Hello! Your food is here!-" "oh!" The waiter brought the tray over and bumped my elbow with it knocking the glass of champagne onto me and drenching me "y/n! Dude what the hell watch it!" "I-im so sorry Mrs Kaminari h-here allow me" the waiter set the tray down and started to pay me down with a napkin which made both denki and I uncomfortable "dude stop just stop-" denki stood up and took the napkin from the waiter and started to clean me but the situation irritated me and I stood up making both men back up "this was a very expensive silk dress you're lucky champagne is fairly easy to get out but if there's any damages I'll make it come out of your paycheck" I stormed off to the restroom

I turned on the faucet and grabbed paper towels, I started to pat my dress down with the wet paper towel "come out..come on..ah!" I felt a familiar warmth drip down my leg and I automatically knew what it was, I looked down and blood dripped onto the floor "shit! No no no! Why now!?" I quickly run into a stall and clean up the mess that was made. When I cleaned all I could I messaged for denki to meet me outside the women's restroom and told him of my situation

When he told me he was waiting outside I walked out and he quickly wrapped his jacket around my waist and tied it so it stayed "are you okay y/n?" "I'm embarrassed I just want to go home" "alright let's go" he walked me out of the restaurant and we got into the car to drive home "why didn't you tell me? Is that why you were in pain earlier?" I crossed my arms and looked out the window "I didn't want our date night to be interrupted this means so much to us and we never get a night together like this since we became heroes" denki sighed and we pulled up to our house

We walked in and he led me to the bedroom "wait here" "ok..?" He dug through my dresser and then our closet he set down a set of clothes and then went into our shared bathroom "denki what are you doing?" I hear the shower being turned on and not long after he comes out with my robe "here go ahead take a shower and give me your dirty clothes I'll wash them" my heart melts at his words and I couldn't help but smile and cry "awe come on sparkplug don't cry" "uwaaa..I just love you so much you're too good to me thank you" he hugged me and took his jacket from my waist and kissed my forehead

"I love you too baby now go clean up" I nod and take my robe and walk into the bathroom, once I stepped into the shower I gave denki the okay and he came in to take away my dirty clothes. I let the hot water run over my body and feel as it soothes the throbbing pain in my stomach and lower back, after I wash myself and shut off the water I slip my robe on and walk into the bedroom where my favorite lounging clothes sat on the bed. I smiled and picked up my underwear slipping them on first and taking the rest into the bathroom

I blow-dried my hair after I got dressed in my sweat pants and oversized chargebolt t-shirt gift from my husband during our honeymoon, once I was done and comfortable I leave the bedroom and I'm immediately hit with the smell of my f/f "huh? Denki..?" I wander into the kitchen and stop when I see the island in our kitchen covered in food "oh y/n! You're done" "I am, what's this?" He came over to me and kissed my cheek while handing me my weighted dinosaur he got me when we were in highschool

"It's our dinner date! Home styled" he smirked and walked me to our dining room where it was set up with a fancy white tablecloth and even lit with our candles we had for emergencies "oh didn't have to do this" I covered my mouth trying not to tear up "well I saw how bummed you were when we had to leave the restaurant and decided to bring the restaurant to us instead! you like it?" I smiled and hugged him "oh denki I love it! You're the best husband a woman could ever have!" He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head

"Go sit dinner is ready!" I excitedly sit at our table and wait for my husband, not long after he came in with two plates with my f/f and set them both down "oh wow! This looks great denki!" "Thank you I watched a YouTube video" I laugh while he goes back and returns with a bottle of f/d and poured it in both glasses, he sat in front of me and raised his glass "here's to us! Still together and still very much in love" I smile and cling my glass onto his "to us" we eat and laugh together he tells me about how he pretty much scared the crap out of the manager at the restaurant while I was away

I didn't think it was necessary but he made it clear that as far as I'm concerned anything is necessary which I guess should scare me but it doesn't, after dinner he insisted he did the dishes and after we laid on the couch to watch Disney movies "this was the best date night by far..thank you denki" I look up at my husband whom I was laying on top of, he smiled and kissed my forehead while wrapping his arms around me and make sure the heating pad on my stomach was still in place "anything for you..I love you so much y/n" "I love you too"

After a while I fell asleep on the couch with him "y/n? Are you asleep?" When he didn't get an answer he turned off the TV and picked me up, he walked into the bedroom and set me down on my side of the bed and pulled the blanket over me before changing clothes and getting into bed himself, he leaned over and kissed my temple while wrapping his arm around me "good night y/n..feel better sparkplug" he laid down and snuggled against my back and we slept together soundly through the night


MHA One Shots | Book 1 | Hero Edition Where stories live. Discover now