Nine- Delicate

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Maribel and Pan sailed across the sea towards Marooner's Skull Rock–the home of all Neverland's magic. 

Pan steered the row boat, while Maribel sat quietly across from him. She didn't know where he was taking her, and decided it was best not to ask. But as she watched day turn to night, Maribel began to feel nervous, and so she made small talk to distract herself:

"If I had my necklace, I could've just swam us here if you didn't want to fly." Maribel stated flatly, making eye contact with Pan. 

"Oh yeah?" Peter raised an eyebrow, "I don't think that would've gone well." 

"Because I would've swam off?"

Pan nodded as he let go of the boat oars, "You're much too sneaky. Even for me." Pan noticed the look of content on Maribel's face that made him chuckle to himself. He then moved to climb out of the boat, "Now. Adventure awaits."

Pan reached out his hand for Maribel to take. Hesitant at first, she couldn't seem to look away from him and decided his hand was safe–for now at least. The two of them entered the cave: 

"After you, sweetheart." Pan cheekily gestured to Maribel with a glimmer in his eyes. 

She accepted his request and glided past him and up the spiraling stairs. Feeling like she'd been climbing about one hundred feet above, Maribel let out a huge sigh of relief when she finally reached the top. She'd only first used stairs a couple days ago, so her legs were still getting used to the feeling. 

"Oh my god." the words having practically fallen out of her mouth. From behind her, Pan kept pace and his deliciously evil smirk grew across his lips. "What's this?" Maribel asked, her eyes marveled at the unmissable, statuesque hourglass. 

Pan, now standing beside her, watched her body react to it. She looked like she had several days ago when he gave her the tour of Neverland–at the peak of wonder. 

"Magic." he finally responded.

Maribel pursed her lips before saying, "No way, really?", she faked her surprise, "What is it really?" 

"Magic." Pan repeated, inflecting his voice a little, "Neverland's been around a long while, and all its magic is right in there." Pan lightly tapped his fingers against the glass. "Everything you've seen, touched, and heard on this island emanates from that hourglass."

"All of it?" Maribel questioned, sounding stunned, "'re the most magical being around here. Surely not all the magic is in that glass." 

"The heart of the truest believer," Pan interjected, "Elusive? Certainly. Impossible? Not completely. The heart of the truest believer can bring the magic of Neverland back, restoring the sands of time for centuries to come." 

Maribel stood across from Pan silently debating whether he was just more knowledgable than he looked, or if he was out of his mind. 

She slightly shook her head, "I don't follow." 

Pan laughed, then began circling her patiently waiting to strike. Finally, he halted, tilted his head down so his lips were only inches from Maribel's cheek, 

"It's you." he whispered, his breath tingling her skin like frost

Maribel felt her body tense, "You're funny." she scoffed. 

She watched Pan's horrifying stillness, his eyes locked with hers as if glares could kill. 

"I've ruled the land for a long time, Maribel." Pan explained, "The magic's running out, don't you see? But you can save it... and all of us." 

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