Season 7, episode 1: Just The Start

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(This continues from the ending of season 6, episode 16: Nice While It Lasted.)

Bojack gets up from his spot, deciding to get off of the roof.
"You getting off?" Diane asks.
"Yeah, see you." Bojack replies. He leaves the roof, looking around the main room where everyone is still dancing. He sighs, still wondering where Princess Carolyn went. Suddenly, a voice behind him called his name.
"Bojack? Is that you?" The voice called from behind, causing bojack to turn around and look into the eyes of the person. [The intro starts and ends and we get back to the episode.] "It is you! I thought I recognized you!" They said, joyful.
"Who are you?" Bojack asked them.
"Oh... You don't remember, do you? I'm Gabriella, remember? Gabriella Osh." Gabriella said. Bojack thought for a moment, suddenly remembering.
"Oh, right! Gabriella, yeah. Sorry, sorry, it's been a very long time, hasn't it?" Bojack said.
"Yeah, of course it has! It's amazing to see you!" Gabriella gushed with joy. Bojack thought again, realizing he had been sort-of friends with Gabriella, he had just forgotten everything about her, the last memory of her was on the tip of his tongue but he didn't know.
"So, how's it been?" Bojack asked.
"Oh, you know, just the usual." Gabriella replied.
"Which is?" Bojack inquired.
"Just my life being a living hell, of course!" Gabriella gushed sarcastically.
"Oh, okay." Bojack said.
"Hey, we should catch up later! Want my number?" Gabriella said.
"Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm kind of in jail right now but not for today." Bojack said in a sad tone.
"Oh, don't worry! I forgot that you were in jail these last few months. We can catch up later later if you want to." Gabriella replied.
"Sure, that works for me." Bojack said, a bit more happy.
"Alright! Want to hang out for the remainder of today?" Gabriella asked.
"Sure, what's the worst that could happen?" Bojack said, chuckling. They walk to the beach. Gabriella sits down, not too worried about the sand.
"Hey, you should probably sit down, you've been standing for too long in my time." Gabriella requested. Bojack sat down next to her, taking a look at her outfit. She was wearing a black dress, not much of a looker but it's a nice dress.
"You look nice." Bojack complimented her.
"Thank you, you too!" Gabriella said happily. They sat in silence for a moment before Gabriella's phone began to rang. "Oh, excuse me for a second." She said as she looked at her phone and saw that her boyfriend was calling her. "It's my boyfriend." She said as she answered her phone. "Hey... Yeah, mhm. Alright I'm coming." She mumbled as she slowly hung up.
"Not even a goodbye?" Bojack said.
"Not even a goodbye. I'm sometimes like that." Gabriella replied. "Anyway, I have to get home. My boyfriend is worrying about me." She said.
"Oh, yeah, alright. See you later?" Bojack said.
"Yeah... See you later." Gabriella said in a not so happy tone as she began walking off. Bojack stared at her for a moment before looking at the sky and the ocean. He sighed softly and slowly smiled. He soon got up and went back inside the place, the people were still chatting and dancing slowly. Bojack spotted Princess Carolyn in the crowd chatting to someone.
"Hey, Princess Carolyn." Bojack said as he went up to Princess Carolyn.
"Oh, hey, buddy!" Princess Carolyn said.
"I just met an old friend but she had to go so now I'm back here." Bojack said.
"Oh, well who was it?" Princess Carolyn asked.
"A girl named Gabriella Osh." Bojack replied.
"Oh, I know that girl! She's one of my clients. She's got the best project in the history of best projects ever. Lucky you!" Princess Carolyn gushed happily.
"Oh, well I'm glad she's got a good project. What's it called?" Bojack inquired.
"Oh it's a beautiful title, it's called 'Stay With Me' and it's the most inspirational thing she had ever come up with." Princess Carolyn replied.
"Wow, that does sound inspirational." Bojack said.
"Ha! I know, right?! She even wrote two books with the same title. That's how you know she loves the plot." Princess Carolyn said.
"That's amazing! Two books and a movie with the same title? That's really wild." Bojack said.
"Yep! Hey, I feel like Diane would even flip when she reads one of the books. And I feel like Gabriella and Diane would get along so well!" Princess Carolyn gushed.
"Well, yeah. I guess I can arrange a meetup with you guys after I get out of jail." Bojack said.
"That is a wonderful idea, Bojack! You should do that when you get out of jail." Princess Carolyn requested. As the night slowly ends as well as the party, Bojack gets sent back to jail to spend the rest of his sentence there.
"This is just the start, isn't it?" He thought as he went back to finish his jail sentence.

[Insert Back In The 90s cause the episode is over]

Person who wrote this episode: me

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