Season 7, episode 2: Wait, What?

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A few days after Bojack has been released from prison, he was able to get in contact with Gabriella and set up a little hangout at the Silver Spoon Diner. Bojack's friends would also be there, obviously.
(You know, the usual ones. PC, PB, Diane, and Todd.)
The 5 of them were in a big booth, waiting for Gabriella to arrive. But, when Gabriella arrived, she looked like she had been crying for a while. Bojack turned to Gabriella, concerned for her right now. [The intro starts and then ends, getting back to the episode.]
"Gabriella, are you okay?" Bojack asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine.." Gabriella replied, not wanting to worry anyone as she sat next to Bojack.
"Alrighty then. Guys, this is Gabriella Osh. She is my childhood friend." Bojack introduced Gabriella to the gang.
"Nice to see you again." Princess Carolyn said.
"It is so nice to see you!" Mr Peanutbutter gushed with excitement.
"Wow, a new person! I can't wait to see what you're actually like!" Todd remarked.
"It's good to see you, Gabriella. Princess Carolyn told me a few things about you." Diane pointed out.
"Yep, it's good to meet you guys." Gabriella said as she softly chuckled, trying to hide her feelings. But, she slowly frowned, looking away as she began to tear up.
"Oh, no! We bored her already!" Mr Peanutbutter said.
"Woah, hey, Gabriella, are you actually okay?" Bojack asked again worryingly.
"No, I'm not okay." Gabriella said as she began crying.
"What happened?" Diane asked.
"My boyfriend broke up with me." Gabriella confessed, crying even more. Bojack pulled Gabriella into a hug, trying to comfort her.
"Why would that guy do such a thing to you? You already seem like a nice person!" Todd said.
"He..." Gabriella hesitated for a moment. "He broke up with me because I got pregnant!" Gabriella cried out.
"Wait what?" Everyone said, surprised. Bojack's eyes widened by that, Todd's jaw dropped, Princess Carolyn let out an 'Oh, dear!', Diane said 'Oh my gosh...', and Mr Peanutbutter said 'Doggy doggy what now?'.
"How could he just drop you like that?" Bojack said, starting to get a bit mad.
"Yeah! He doesn't have a right to just leave you like that! You and him were going to start a family!" Mr Peanutbutter said angrily.
"We can solve this, Gabriella! You don't have to worry about anything else because you're our friend now and we will make sure that you will be as happy as you can be with this child." Princess Carolyn said.
"Yeah, you need some justice in your life, Gabriella! You have life inside of you now and we are going to help you with this." Diane agreed with Princess Carolyn.
"Thanks, guys.." Gabriella said, wiping her tears as she hugged Bojack's arm that was wrapped around her. "Wait, what?" She thought for a moment. There was a bit of silence before Diane broke it.
"Hey, Gabriella... Are you going to keep the child?" She asked.
"Yeah, I am. I've always wanted to be mother but not a single one." Gabriella said as she held back more tears. Bojack was about to say something before he stopped himself.
"Well I support your decision and I'll help you in any way possible." Diane said, smiling.
"I do too." Princess Carolyn said.
"I also do too support your decision!" Mr Peanutbutter said cheerfully.
"I do too!" Todd said. The others looked at Bojack, expecting him to say the same thing.
"I-" Bojack hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I also do too!" He said, chuckling. Gabriella smiled softly at everyone.
"So, shall we order some food? Could tell a lot about us!" Princess Carolyn said.
"Yeah, sure." Diane replied. They ordered some food. Bojack ordered a meatball sub, Gabriella ordered a salad (she loves salads), Diane ordered a sandwich, Todd ordered a grilled cheese, Mr Peanutbutter ordered a PB&J, and Princess Carolyn ordered a tuna sandwich. When they got their food, Diane continued talking. "So, 'Stay With Me'. How long have you worked on it for?" She asked.
"Oh, a really long time." Gabriella answered.
"Must be an astonishing book then! I'll have to read it sometime." Diane gushed.
"I have a leftover copy, I could give it to you tomorrow." Gabriella said.
"Oh, I'm flying back to Houston tomorrow." Diane said.
"Oh, that's okay! I can ship it to you if you want." Gabriella requested.
"Sure, that'd be nice." Diane said, smiling. There was an awkward silence before Diane continued. "Quick question." She said.
"Yeah?" Gabriella asked.
"Did you get to keep your place after the breakup?" Diane inquired.
"Yeah, I did." Gabriella answered.
"That's amazing! Now he's homeless." Diane gushed.
"Yep, it's nice to have the place by myself. But I've been kind of lonely. I had someone to take care of and check up on." Gabriella said. Bojack once again was about to say something but he stopped himself.
"You got something to say, buddy?" Princess Carolyn pointed out.
"Oh, no, no." Bojack replied, embarrassingly chuckling.
"You know, you could probably live with Gabriella until you can get your own place. If it's okay with her." Princess Carolyn suggested.
"Oh- I- Uhm..." Bojack hesitated.
"Yeah, that's not a bad idea." Gabriella said as she looked at Bojack, smiling.
"Are you sure it's okay, Gabriella?" Bojack asked.
"Of course it's okay! This is going to be awesome!" Gabriella gushed excitedly.
"Alright!" Bojack said, smiling. The scene goes to Gabriella's place, an apartment on the 3rd floor of a small building with a small produce store on the first floor. Gabriella and Bojack enter the apartment.
"Welp, here it is." Gabriella said.
"Not bad." Bojack commented.
"Really? I always thought it was horrible considering the mess in my room." Gabriella pointed out.
"Oh, how bad is the mess?" Bojack asked.
"You shouldn't have asked that." Gabriella said teasingly as she lead him to her room. Her room was a complete mess with laundry everywhere. "I had a bit of a meltdown when my boyfriend broke up with me." She said.
"Don't worry, that's completely understandable." Bojack said, reassuring her.
"Thanks." Gabriella said, smiling softly. There was a small pause for a moment before Bojack spoke up.
"I can help you clean up." Bojack said.
"Really? That'd be nice." Gabriella replied.
"Alright, let's get to work!" Bojack gushed. A normal amount of time to clean up for someone their age.
"That took forever." Gabriella commented.
"You can say that again." Bojack said.
"That took forever." Gabriella commented.
"Not literally." Bojack chuckled.
"I know." Gabriella said teasingly. There was a short pause.
"Welp, I can see the bed now." Bojack said.
"It wasn't that big of a mess." Gabriella said as she chuckled.
"Are you sure?" Bojack asked teasingly.
"No," Gabriella answered, smirking, "Sorry about the beds being stuck together."
"Oh, don't worry about it." Bojack said.
"Really? It won't be weird if we would make physical contact throughout the nights?" Gabriella chuckled teasingly.
"No, of course not." Bojack said. Another short pause.
"Want to sit on the couch and just, you know, talk?" Gabriella asked.
"Sure." Bojack answered. They walked out of the bedroom and went over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Bojack was about to put his arm around her shoulder, but he hesitated. Then, Gabriella rested her head on his chest and sighed, allowing Bojack to put his arm around her shoulder.
"Oh, uhm-" Bojack was flustered.
"Hey, it's okay." Gabriella said as she smiled warmly at him, blushing.
"..Okay." Bojack replied. He softly rubbed her shoulder. There was a lot of awkward silence. Gabriella slowly spoke up.
"Are you sure it isn't weird?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Are we still talking about the bed thing?" Bojack said as he looked down at her.
"Maybe.." Gabriella replied.
"It's not that weird." Bojack answered.
"Really?" Gabriella said.
"Really." Bojack said back. They both looked away. Gabriella softly sighed, smiling.

[Insert Back In The 90s cause the episode is over]

Person who wrote this episode: me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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