The Real Deal

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Right now I'm going to my job right now. I'm dog sitting someone's shusitzu named Wendy and let's just say I only get paid $5 an hour each Tuesday from 10am to Noon. So that's basically $15 a day. Not bad, but not great. The owner Cathleen went to work early so she lend me a key and as I walk through her home, she has the bling bling! I wouldn't call it a mansion but I'd call her home a big home. So now that's a problem I need to solve. How do I get Wendy, not to break or scratch or ruin anything?? Wait, WHY DOES SHE EVEN HAVE A FRICKIN DOG?

"Come here Wendy!"
I say patting my thighs while she's on the other side of me. As I pat my thighs, Wendy does nothing. She tilts her head and walks the other way toward her play room. She then chews on her bone and rests on her pillow. She's well trained for a young pup.

As I sit in the room on my phone, I check every 5 minutes to make sure Wendy is okay. Next thing you know it, Wendy is K.O. Then I get a text from Parker.
Parker: Hi
Me: Hey
Parker: How's ur job goin
Me: So far..boring
Parker: why
Me: I'm just in a room watching a dog sleep.
Parker: Yikes
Me: I know
Parker: So yet again my birthday is this Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to hang with me and everyone
Me: When you mean by everyone, you mean the 2 people I absolutely HATE
Parker: Yup.
Me: I don't know..
Parker: Will inviting Caelan make you feel better
Me: omg yes. Caelan is the only other person who hates the people I hate.
Parker: Kewl
Me: Gtg. The dog owner is here.
Parker: k bye

I then here Cathleen walk in as I quickly put my phone in my butt-pocket.
"Hi! How is everything?" Cathleen says slowly opening the door whispering.
"Everything is going great!" We didn't really do much. She mostly slept." I say whispering
"Okay well here's your $15 and thank you for watching Wendy." She whispers handing me an envelope.
"Great! Thanks, I'll see you next Tuesday Mrs. Lachel." I say waving.
"Please, call me Cathleen." She says resting her hand on my shoulder. I smile and leave.
*on the drive home*
*Ring Ring*
"Hello?" I question. Putting my phone on speaker.
"Hey Ash Bear. Parker just texted me about his get together?" She says. Just by that I can tell that's Caelan.
"Oh yes. He's inviting you because Deborah and Frankie are going." *Rolls eyes*
"Ugh. I can't believe he's still friends with Frankie from all those things he's done to have a 'laugh at Parker' moment." Caelan says in disgust.
"Believe it girl." I say
"Hey I'm driving right now can I call or text you Later?"
"Yeah sure."
Then I hang up.

*At home*
I look on my phone to text Caelan. As soon as I text "hi" she automatically replied as soon as possible blabbing about all the bad things she had experienced with Frankie. And all the dramatic and stupid things Deborah has said to her. I mean, we don't hate HATE them to death(well maybe just a little) but if they were on fire burning and I had a glass if water, I'D DRINK IT ALL. I then receive a text from Parker.
Parker: R u comin
Me: Maybe...☺️
Parker: Ok

I love how I respond with like 5 paragraphs and them he replies with an "ok" or "k bye" or "sure". Something simple as heck. It's halarious. Sometimes I'd say hi and he would read it and won't reply.

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