4. Japan Quali

534 19 2

Young ones 👦🏼

Fred: I still don't understand how Ollie got added

Arthur: me too...

Dennis: spill the tea then love

Arthur: May have added him... 😅

Jak: I feel hurt

Felipe: same

Oscar: why are they all just rising from the dead?

Logan: what are they even doing here?

Clem: existing

Marcus: dying

Liam: what the shit.

formula 1 🏁

Logan: it was nice knowing you all

Oscar: STOP

Logan has left

Oscar added Logan

Logan has left

Oscar added Logan

Logan has left

Alex added Logan

Alex: no

Logan: why

Alex: because you're going to stay

Logan: No I crashed again and I can't keep doing that

Oscar: you have to stay! You came P4 in F2 as a rookie. Think of this like a second season of F2 because they moved you up quickly. You have time to improve and become better

Logan: yeah right

Lando: Max is back

Max: max max max super max max super super max max

Oscar: P2 and P3 for papaya!🥳 we're coming for you max 😈

Max: we'll see 👀

Daniel: another yearrrr


George: what's the chance that max makes the first corner first and we never see him again?

Lando: high

Lewis: very 

Seb: at least there could be action further back?

Arthur: hopefully

Charles: leave!

young ones 👦🏼

Dennis: wait who actually is on this?

Arthur: me, you, Liam, Logan, Oscar, Jack, Jak, Clem, Marcus, Felipe, Ollie, Fred

Théo: this guy needs to get a better memory

Arthur removed Théo

Arthur: I don't like being insulted

Fred: valid

Liam: well I'm ready to sleep

Logan: me too

Oscar: same

Ollie:Good luck then!

Marcus: ^

Felipe: bye

Mick: 🥲 bye

Liam: HUH


Sorry for the delay, as someone who only watched some Channel 4 highlights and then proceeded to go out, I only saw it at about 11 today but still I bring you this chaos

My thoughts on the AT contracts: I'm sad that Liam doesn't have the seat but I understand that AT would want to develop the car further and trust people who they know currently.

See you tomorrow!

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