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The funeral came and went, Alex watched on as her friends gathered. She tried to attract Cassie's attention to tell her she looked good in black. The blonde looked so sad it hurt Alex to know she'd caused this pain.

She laughed at some joke Billy made and Cass's reaction.

"So this is where you are?" Euan spoke to her in his mind.

"Fuck. You can actually talk to us!"


"Can you tell Cass I love her."

"I can but it won't be as good as if it came from someone who doesn't know her."

"You mean she won't believe it's from me."

"Yeah unless you can tell me something only you would know."

"Tell her thank you for sitting with me and doing my hair. And that I love her."


People started to head away. Before he left Euan passed the message to Cassie.

"So that is why I always dream of us in this place. Can you tell her I'll come when it's time, and my order is a gin and tonic." The blonde smiled and looked around hoping for a glimpse.

Alex tried but she didn't have the energy. She stood beside Cassie and tried to touch her shoulder.

"You just told her yourself. She's standing next to you."

Cassie let go of the tears. Alex realised it was too soon and too raw. She felt bad as she walked away and knocked into a seat. Which fell over.

The group all looked and the seat which had fallen over on its own.

Cassie smiled through her tears, Alex was here. She knew where to find her. To be close.

Cass visited the pub a few times a week, always sitting in the same spot. She'd talk to her partner in her mind about the week gone by and Alex would try her best to reply. She found her spirit was getting stronger and sometimes there were more people around she could steal energy from to muster up a small touch. But it wasn't the same. She couldn't wrap her arms around the blonde or kiss her.

Alex spent the rest of the time amusing herself by playing tricks on the staff, especially a bitchy homophobic barmaid she'd taken a dislike to. She'd move things about to make her feel like she was going crazy, sometimes she'd manage a wee ghostly groan if she was locking up alone. The things that happened in the pub were unbelievable.

"So" Cassie said in her mind to Alex, "it's Fankie and Belle's wedding tomorrow. I have your speech ready. Are you absolutely sure you want me to read that comment about her tongue?"

Alex laughed.

Cassie thought she could hear it for a second, "did you just laugh? You know she's going to kill you for the comment about her crying at the nature programmes on the telly right." Cass smiled. Then she took a moment. "Al you know in your letter you said if I were to meet anyone"

Alex felt her soul hurt, surely it's not been that long for her to move on. She looked for at a newspaper on the table beside her. It's not been 10 months. Surely. It just feels like she got the the pub a few days ago.

"I've been asked on a date. She's nice. This doesn't mean that I don't love you know?" Cassie looked sad. "I miss companionship and"

"Your body has needs." Alex felt the jealousy rise within her. She knew that she shouldn't. It's not like she could do anything to help. She also knew Cassie deserved someone to hold her. The brunette swallowed hard. "Go on the date. I hope it works the way you want it to."

"I won't forget you or that you're waiting I promise but maybe I won't come as often. People are saying it's not good for me and I need to try and get my life back together. I love Al and I'm sorry."

Cassie didn't return to the pub. Alex began to believe that the blonde had completely fallen for someone else. She didn't feel her anymore. It had been a month, since Cassie had asked for her permission and she gave it.

She was starting to feel the injustice of it all. Whenever she'd see lovers in the pub she'd feel angry that it wasn't her. That she didn't really get a chance. She found that she had a lot of strength when she was frustrated that she could make things move. So she used this to entertain herself. The staff in the pub were convinced that they had a ghost and the horrible barmaid had left terrified.

"Hey" she heard Cassie's voice. "You wrecking the place just for fun?"

Alex stopped. "You can see me?"

"Yeah I'm sorry it took a while. I revived and stuck in my body for a few weeks."

Alex smiled, "you came for me."

"Was there ever a doubt I'd do anything else. Do you know if I can touch you or will we just disappear through each other?"

"I don't know," Alex said, smiling as she walked towards the blonde. "I've never met another ghost while I've been a ghost."

The presenter laughed. And felt Alex's arms surround her. "I guess that answers that question."

"Can I kiss you?" Alex asked tentatively.

"You better want to do more than kiss me." The blonde replied cheekily before moving her lips on to her lovers.

They both felt the warmth of their love course through their soul. This was where they were always meant to be with each other.

They heard the crew.

"Yeah sorry" Cass explained "I asked Euan to come help us cross together. I don't particularly like this pub. I asked him to bring the crew to see if we could give them the evidence they have been looking for."

Alex smiled, "you're so on the ball. One of the many reasons I love you."

"Yeah" they heard Euan talking to the group. "They are both here."

"Really?" Skye asked. "Can they give us some proof? Bill, you got the camera ready?"

Euan looked confused, "they said to apologize to you for forgetting to get the sheets back from the laundry at the hotel in Cardiff."

Skye laughed. "Yeah they are definitely here."

Billy filmed, "So. Come on girls give us a show."

"You ready?" Cass asked.

Alex took her hand. "Yeah."

They heard Euan say a prayer and noticed a candle being lit. It opened a bright doorway. Alex and Cassie whispered I love you to each other as they walked into the light hand in hand.

Euan exstighised the light he knew they had crossed over together. He smiled at the team and nodded.

Skye shed a tear feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

"I got something," Billy shouted. "Look"

The team looked into the viewfinder to see what appeared to be two shadows vanishing into thin air.

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