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They filmed the guide telling them all about the history of the area. The battle of Largs against the Vikings. The castle was used as a last resting place on the mainland for the kings of Scotland before they sailed to Iona for burial.

The fact it was used as a holmstead for Fishermen in the late 18th century and the story of a young boy who died from drowning trying to bring the boat in through the rocks in a storm.

Cassie spent a lot of time talking about the tale of a pair of star crossed lovers related to the Stewart family, the first royal family of the unified kingdoms of Britain. Who used the castle as a stop off before they sailed to their castle on rosthday. One of the king's younger brothers had an illicit affair with a young servant girl. Apparently besotted with each other she found herself expecting his child. When he married another woman. She became enraged and threatened to tell the King that he was the father of her child. She was found the following day floating in the harbour. People say she threw herself into the rocky sea and others that she was pushed to her death.  Some people refer to her ghost as the Grey lady and she is seen frequently in the upper floors of the castle.

"Why are they always Gray or white ladies? I mean it must be the most common ghost story around." Alex smiled as they both stepped in the car.
"So I'm guessing you don't believe the story,"
"Oh I think the story probably has origins in some kind of fact but it'll have been dressed up and embellished along the way. Of course there has to be a ghost."
"We'll see. You know the newbies all have to do a lone vigil, see how tough you really are."
"Well I'm shattered so I'll probably just sleep."
"We'll see." Cassie sent a smile in the brunette's direction.
Alex got lost for a second on how good it looked. Before remembering that she didn't like the blonde. Even though she is good looking. And she was. Alex couldn't deny that. She'd thought that even before they'd met. Yeah but I'm not, she heard Cath in her head telling her no one else would want her. Anyway she concluded it doesn't matter. I don't matter.

They pulled back up at the carpark near the castle.
"You've gone quiet. The blonde instinctively leaned over and touched Alex's shoulder. "Are you thinking about your night alone in a creepy castle?"
"Eh?" Alex was drawn from her negative thinking. "Sorry I was daydreaming."
"Nevermind."Cassie shook her head. It was obvious that Alex just didn't want to engage with her.

The team was all set up. Euan and Billy had done a walk through in the castle. There were two more parts to film before they would break for dinner. They recorded the meet up first where Cassie and Euan would share what they had  learned and Billy would decide what equipment they were going to use as the best way to capture anything unnatural. Which was fake. Everything was already in place.

"So I was followed around by the spirit of a young boy. Now he was dressed like he was from the 19th century. Said his name was William."
Alex tried not to laugh as the Sheryl Crow song lyric played in her head.
"That's interesting," Cassie explained as the local historian was talking about a young boy who drowned trying to bring a boat into the harbour in a storm."
Yup Alex thought there is story one complete they're going to spend half the night trying to connect everything to the young fisherman."

"Well one of the other things I found out was about the story of Lizzie Price, now she was a servant in the castle in the 1600s. Now..."
"Pause!" Alex shouted. "I need a new battery."
John looked perplexed. "You shouldn't hold a charge for 14 hours. They were fully charged."

Billy piped up for the purpose of the standing camera. "I had a few issues with power too. Sometimes this can be a sign of spirit draining the electricity to gain enough power to manifest."
Alex shook her head. "Or a faulty battery."

When the camera was sorted Alex and Cassie spent time recording her introduction. It was just four of them and the rest had headed for dinner. Skye directed the shots, Cassie delivered the lines. Gary caught all the sound and Alex filmed the lot. It was a little after 5pm and a quick trip back to the hotel for food and a nap they'd be back at the location around 10pm.

"You know what I realised." Gary said as he put a mouthful of rice in his mouth. "Two Sandra's." He pointed to Alex and looked at Cassie. Who again were sitting at the opposite ends of the table. "Cassandra and Alexandra." He said their name to emphasize the sand-rah.
"I hate my full name" they replied in unison and looked at each other. Before they shared half a smile.
"Sandra's." Billy laughed. "Sandra's that's genius."
"Really what's genius about it? William. Gareth."
"I'm not Gareth actually." The sound engineer replied while mopping up curry sauce with naan bread.

Alex left the table after dinner planning to get to bed for a few hours. She entered the room and suddenly remembered that Cassie had left all her luggage on the single bed in the family room. She sighed and started by folding over the large case and moving it onto a chair. Going back for the smaller case, she considered who needed this much stuff for a week away. She lifted the open case and moved it onto the top of the other open case. The second she moved away it fell, scattering the contents all over the floor. She cursed as she bent down to load the contents back into the case. Oh no it's all underwear and cosmetics. She's got some nice stuff, Alex smirked as she put the bra back into the case.

"What are you doing? Are you going through my stuff!"
She hadn't heard the blonde come back into the room.
Cassie moved over and pushed Alex away from her things. Taking a thong from her hands.
"Get your dirty grubby hands off."
"Well maybe if you hadn't left your stuff all over my bed it wouldn't have fallen."
"That's not the point! I can't believe you are going through my underwear, are you some kind of pervert!"
Alex looked blankly at the floor. Her mum's voice in her head. You're a disgrace, a disgusting pervert. That was the last thing her lovely Christian mother had said to her before throwing her out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry please" she mumbled before heading to the bathroom to hide the tears that stung at her eyes.

"Alex!" She heard Cassie pounding on the door. "If you don't explain yourself I'm going to John open the door!"
"I dropped it. I was moving your stuff off my bed and I dropped it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." The brunette was crying; she hated herself for being so weak.
"It's okay." Cassie wasn't expecting to find the camerawoman in the state she did.
"I really wasn't going through your things. I wouldn't do that." Alex moved passed her to the now cleared single bed and covered her face with the cover.
"I didn't mean to shout." The blonde said as she heard the muffled sounds of somebody trying not to let people know they were crying.
"It's okay. I'm just overtired. Please just let me sleep."

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