Chapter 4

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I always make my Karl short in these books, so this applies here, too.

♡Sapnap pov♡

Wilbur had driven himself to the hospital and promised to update me if he knew anything. Punz and I still haven't talked since the brief argument, and I didn't want to bother him in such a stressful time.

There was a knock on my door. I put my phone down and flipped on my side. I shut my eyes.

I don't want to talk to anyone right now. Go away.

The door slowly opened.

"Oh. He's asleep."

George is here.

I cracked my eyes a bit. George and Dream were standing in the doorway.

"We'll tell him later then. Let him sleep. Him and Karl are close. This has been a stressful past day." Dream stated.

The 2 left, shutting the door behind them. As soon as they were gone, I sat up and grabbed my phone.

●Wilbur: he's fine. He's getting discharged.

Thank god.

●Wilbur: The driver did drug him, and the doctors had to pump his stomach to get it out. He's alright, just a little out of it and fucking exhausted. Punz seems mad about something, too.

●me: Punz and I got into an argument. I haven't talked to him since. He thinks I was accusing him of something, but I just wanted to know why he wasn't with Karl.

●Wilbur: Do you think something weird is happening? Why tf would he leave Karl all alone?

●me: He said they had an argument, and Karl wanted to be by himself. Karl always talks things out when arguments happen. Him and Dream argued over something a while ago, and Karl insisted they talked it out. He never lets the situation boil.

●Wilbur: That's odd. They're going home. I am, too. I'll text you as soon as I get there, and we can talk more.

♡Karl pov♡

I'm so tired. I just wanna go home and sleep.

"Stay awake." Punz demanded.

We were currently on our way home from the hospital.

"I'm tired, though." I mumbled.

Usually I don't argue with him because it ends bad but I am so fucking exhausted. On top of that, the doctor told me to go to sleep.

"I don't care. Don't sleep." He demanded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we have things to do. I'm not packing all your shit for you." He stated.


"What do you mean packing?" I asked.

He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Stop asking fucking questions." He demanded.

I stayed silent. 5 minutes passed, and I was really really struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Punz, can I please just sleep on the way home? I'll wake up as soon as we get to the house." I assured.

"No. You can sleep when we get to where we are going." He stated.

I forced myself to stay awake, but my body was begging me to go to sleep. We arrived at the house and got out of the car.

"Phone. Now."

I looked over at him. He had his hand out. I pulled my phone from my pocket and placed it in his hand.

I'm a grown adult who gets his phone taken like a child.

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