Chapter 23

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♡Karl pov♡

Sapnap had told me what had happened since I didn't remember. To put it simply, I felt horrible. In my state of panic, I had slapped George. I always got upset when Punz would hit me, and now I've done it to 2 people I care about.

I stared at the screen on my computer. My mouse hovered over the start stream button. I hadn't put on makeup, meaning everyone would see the bruises and even a scarred cut on my face. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

The door opened, and I turned around. Sapnap came in. His eyes widened a bit.

"You're gonna stream?" He asked.

He walked over, and I averted my eyes back to the screen.

"People are still confused. I was hoping to clear things up. I wrote about what I was gonna say." I told him, gesturing to the paper on the desk.

He leaned over the chair, wrapping his arms around me. He let his eyes scan the words.

"You're gonna talk about me?" He asked.

"If that's okay. I won't say your name. I'm not ready for that." I stated.

"Yeah. That's perfectly fine. Do you want me to stay here or leave?" He asked.

"Leave. I don't wanna get distracted. You can watch from your room, though." I told him.


George, Dream, and I were all in the living room, waiting for Karl's stream to start. It was silent and awkward.

"Sapnap, I'm really sorry about last night. I should've just listened to you. I didn't know what was going on, and I just wanted to help. You knew what was happening, so I should've just let you take care of it. I had no right to be mad at you or Karl." He ranted.

I was shocked. George rarely ever spoke like this. He hated showing emotions, but it was obvious that he was guilty.

"It's okay, George. I understand you were worried -"

I was cut off by Karl's stream starting. He was sitting in his chair, obviously stressed. He hadn't covered the bruises or cuts with makeup either.

"Okay." He sighed.

I heard the rustle of his paper.

♡Karl pov♡

My heart was pounding, and my hands were shaking. There were 200,000 viewers currently.

"Um- as you can see, I don't look the best right now." I stuttered a bit.

I had donos turned off. I didn't want anyone asking me personal questions that I would feel pressured to answer.

"Hopefully, you guys saw my tweet or at least Sapnaps or Dreams. Punz lied." I stated.

Chat started flying. A lot of people had seen my tweet and the other 2 boys. People began asking about George.

"Yes, George is okay. This whole situation has been very upsetting and stressful for all of us. George and I are pretty close, so we decided it's best if he stays off social media for a while until things get entirely sorted out." I explained.

I grabbed my paper and took a deep breath.

"So, Punz physically and mentally abused me for two years. It started about a month after we started dating. The first time it ever happened, he had tried to hug me, and I told him that I was stressed out and needed space. He got mad at this and snapped. He said some harsh things, and when I tried to argue, he hit me." I told them.

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