Chapter 15

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*Will Sophie come back? Let me know what you guys think. Comments and votes are always appreciated! Much love xxx*

After driving for hours, Sophie finally pulled off to some secluded spot she'd never seen before. It was a park-like area overlooking a lake. She took a seat at one of the picnic tables and put her head in her hands. She thought back to hers and Lee's conversation.

"What do you mean you're comin' home?" He asked with worry in his voice.

"I don't wanna get into detail. Shit's not working here," Sophie told him.

"Soph, it's more then just you you're thinking about. That baby's gonna need his dad," Lee said.

Sophie chuckled,"Lee, don't do this. You know good and damn well he's not meant to be a father."

That wasn't a statement Lee could necessarily argue with, and he and Sophie both knew that.

Lee sighed,"Soph, if that's what you wanna do, I'll have a place waiting on you, but please for the love of God think this through."

"I love you, Lee. I'll be in touch."
"This seat taken?" Tara asked as she sat down next to her friend.

"How the hell- Jax followed me,"she said as more of a statement then a question.

"Yeah pretty much," Tara said,"The idea of an emotional, pissed off pregnant woman being by herself didn't sit well with him for some reason." She bumped her shoulder against Sophie's laughing.

"So what happens from here?" Tara asked.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. You don't understand how bad I want to just go back to Tacoma and forget about even coming here," Sophie said as she looked out over the water.

"What's stopping you?" Tara asked.

"I fuckin' love him, and I want him in this baby's life. I can't be with him though, T. I'm an idiot. That's what's stopping me," she revealed.

"You're not an idiot for loving the father of your child, Soph. Happy's a hard person to understand. This is all foreign to him," Tara explained.

Sophie sighed,"So that makes him cheating okay?"

"Hell no," Tara told her,"He's still a pig just like you said. What I'm saying is, he deserves the chance to be a dad."

Sophie noticed Tara looking behind her, and she turned around to be met with the eyes of Happy Lowman.

"I think he wants to talk now. I'm gonna go. Our place is still an option," Tara told her, giving her hand a squeeze before going to her car.

"Hey," Sophie said when Happy came to stand in front of her.

"She didn't mean anything, Soph. Just easy pussy," he told her.

Sophie laughed,"thanks Hap, that makes things so much better." The tears began welling up in her eyes.

"What happens now?" He asked her and for the first time in all of her time of knowing him, she saw guilt.

"I don't know, thought about going back to Tacoma," Sophie stated simply.

"You're not doin' that," Happy told her gruffly.

"You think if I really wanted to, you'd be able to stop me? I'm not your fuckin' property," Sophie spat.

"You'll always be mine. That crow tattooed on your chest proves that," Happy said sort of smugly to which Sophie rolled her eyes, the ink on her chest all of a sudden burning.

"Why'd you do it?" Sophie asked him, actually meeting his eyes.

Happy looked away,"I told you, easy pussy. She don't mean shit to me."

"How about I go and fuck Kip then? He won't mean anything to me, and apparently that makes it all okay," Sophie told him.

"I fucked up," Happy admitted. Sophie nodded her head, accepting that that was the closest thing to an apology she'd get from him. This was far from over for her though.

"I'm gonna go up to Tacoma for a while, see how Lee's doing and get my shit together," She told him as she stood up with help from Happy. Her belly had gotten considerably big, and it was much harder for her to move around.

Happy sighed,"You ain't goin' to Tacoma,girl."

"Hap, this stress and shit isn't good for me or this baby. I'll call you when I get there." Sophie turned to walk away before being grabbed by the arm and brought into Happy's embrace.

"Don't get too comfortable up there. You're comin' back to me in a week, tops," Happy told her as he released her and put his hand on her stomach. Sophie squeezed his hand before removing it.

"I love you," Happy mumbled before walking to get on his bike.

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