Chapter 25

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*i am so sorry for the delay guys! So much stuff has happened this weekend! I'm back now though and the schedule will remain the same! This is the end of this part of Happy and Sophie's story. Do you guys want a sequel? Let me know in the comments! As always, comments and votes are very much appreciated! Don't forget to follow and check out my other stories if you haven't! On another note, thank you all so much for over 500 votes! Much love xxx*


This is your kid. I hope you and Sophie can raise it better than I could. Don't worry about coming to look for me. I'm long gone already. I'm sorry.


Happy crumpled the paper up and threw it as hard as he could at the wall.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch," he seethed before sitting next to Sophie who seemed to be in a trance as she looked at the sleeping little girl in the car seat in front of where she sat.

"Soph," he began as he touched her arm.

She jerked away from him but her stare remained on the baby who had begun to cry. Sophie sighed before handing Finn to Happy and carefully unbuckling the car seat and holding the little girl in her arms. The baby stopped crying immediately at the human contact. Sophie rocked the baby until she fell asleep again. Then,pulling out her phone, she called Gemma.

"Hey, I know this is short notice, but can you come over and watch the kid for a bit? I got some shit I have to do," Sophie told her.

Gemma arrived shortly after their conversation ended.

"What's going on?" She asked, referring to the little girl Sophie was holding.

"Happy can explain. I have to go," Sophie said, handing the baby to Gemma and walking out the door.

"Where are you goin' girl?" Happy asked, catching up to her at the car.

"I don't think it's any of your business," she spat before unlocking the door and sitting inside.

"Your my business. I'll handle this shit, Soph. The bitch will wish she never did any of this," Happy promised.

Sophie chuckled darkly,"I gotta go."

Sophie wasn't sure where she was going until she pulled up to Tara and Jax's house. She would have rather talked to Lee, but he was too far away, and Tara was the closest thing she had to a friend in Charming.

Knocking on the door, Sophie tried to gather her thoughts and figure out what she wanted to say. The door opened to reveal Jax, and the emotions got the best of her as she fell into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shit, Tara!" He screamed as he pulled her inside and shut the door. "Soph, what's goin' on?" He asked the frantic woman in his arms.

"Soph, come on. We'll go sit in the kitchen," Tara said, grabbing her hand and leading her into their kitchen.

Tara and Jax listened to Sophie recount everything that happened.

"I'm gonna go check on some things. You ladies deal with this shit," Jax said simply before kissing Tara and leaving the ladies alone.

"What in the fuck do I do Tara? This is my boyfriend's whore's kid. The whore he fucked while I was pregnant with his son." she pleaded.

Tara sighed,"Well you have options as far as the baby goes. You could just give it to an adoption agency, or you could keep it. I mean, she may be Finn's sister. Either way, you've got to call the police and let them know. There are so many legal issues that go along with this."

Sophie ran her hands through her hair before she spoke again,"I thought I was over it, ya know? This kid just put us a million steps back. What would you do?"

Tara shook her head,"I don't think-"

Sophie cut her off,"I need you to tell me what you would do because I'm at a god damn loss. Would you keep this kid if you were me?"

"It's about you and your family, Soph. Two newborns is a lot for a new mom, and Happy is well, himself. There needs to be a paternity test if you plan to keep her though. Croweaters aren't always the most trustworthy, no offense. Can you live with yourself if you let the baby go to some foster home when there's a chance she may be Happy's?"

Pulling up to her apartment, Sophie took a deep breath. The talk with Tara had helped more than she could imagine, but that still didn't stop her hand from shaking as she unlocked the door and walked in.

"Where's Gem?" She asked Happy, who was cradling both babies in his arms.

"She had to leave, said she had shit to do. Where did you go?" He asked her.

Sophie took a seat next to him, and admired the two children in his arms. She shrugged,"I just went to Tara's. You can calm down, I'm not going to run back to Tacoma."

Happy nodded," What are we gonna do about this kid?"

"I want a paternity test, Hap. We gotta make sure she's yours before we do anything," Sophie told him.

"What if she is mine?" He asked, looking down at the little girl he hated to admit had already begun to feel like his.

Sophie sighed,"If you want, we'll keep her, go through the adoption shit, and she'll be ours just like Finn is, but Happy, you have to promise me you won't go after Rachel no matter the results."

Happy nodded before Sophie took the little girl and walked with Happy to lay them in the crib.

After making sure both babies were sound asleep, the couple went to their bedroom to prepare for bed.

As Sophie was grabbing her nightclothes from the dresser, Happy grabbed her arm and spun her around into a hug. Sophie instinctively wrapped her arms around him.

"I thought you were leavin'" Happy admitted as he began to kiss her neck.

Sophie moaned,"I'm not goin' anywhere."

It took them no time to get undressed before Happy had her pinned against the wall and entered her slow at first. The thrusts got harder with each one but neither complained as they climaxed together.

Happy carried her to the bed and laid down behind her with his arm draped over her stomach.

"I love you, " he grumbled.

"I love you too, Hap," she said.

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