-Chapter (1)-

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...just as you took another bite of the fish you heard a splash from behind you again.

You didn't see anything other than a small splash of water, but you weren't stupid, you heard that groan!  you hadn't heard such an almost human groan over than yourself in ages and was instantly on edge. had creatures evolved to sound eerily human? were you hallucinating? you couldn't tell but you snatched up your spear anyways. you tucked your knees to your chest and kept your head on a swivel.

you sat like that for you don't even know how long before you finally shrugged it off, slowly putting your spear down.

that's when you noticed the sun had begun setting, you must've been on guard for longer than you thought! you thought to yourself and peered over the edge of the raft, snatching up a piece of driftwood you had passed by and lit the firepit back up, the soggy wood didn't help much but did enough that you could sleep comfortably as possible without worrying about hyperthermia and it scared off predators as a bonus!

you crawled to the small and admittedly pathetic little hut-like shelter you built for yourself and got in your worn leather sleeping bag and tried to relax enough so you could get some sort of sleep. but you couldn't stop thinking about the groan from earlier. deep down you knew that..thing wasn't a hallucination; it had created a ripple in the already unforgiving sea. you knew it was real, but you just couldn't bring yourself to believe it for your own sanity. it almost sounded like someone was drowning but you knew better. 

you're too smart for your own good. he couldn't fool you, you both knew that.

eventually you drifted off to sleep for a few hours, a surprisingly comfortable sleep, it wasn't exactly good, but it was better than usual. but alas your nice sleep was interrupted by the familiarly unfamiliar feeling you were being watched. you quickly sat up in your sleeping bag and squinted, trying to look into the vast ocean just enough to know where the feeling of discomfort was coming from. you saw two beady blue eyes in the distance and your breath hitched in fear. 

"What the fuck is that?" you hissed to yourself quietly, could it be the thing from earlier? there was no way to tell unless it made a noise again.

and make noise it did, it was an awful squawky noise, similar to that of a dying cat with a more watered down feel to it. you felt as if you were being hunted by what you had realised was a intelligent creature, it gave you the feeling that it had the same creepy intelligence of a orca or a dolphin, because that thing was smart as hell and definitely wasn't and was nowhere near human, just the glowing eyes made it obvious enough.  but what was it if not human? a surprisingly human mutant? some half assed version of a zombie? were zombies even a thing? you couldn't remember but it wouldn't really surprise you in this day and age.

(aaah its good to be back guys! sorry if you don't like the total remake of this chapter but it'll make sense in the long run trust the process!)

remade - 21/4/24

'Life afloat' REMAKE peter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now