-chapter- (2)

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you stayed awake for as long as you could, your eyes drooping in exhaustion, but you refused to take your eyes off the thing that was staring right back at you, unblinkingly. you don't even remember how long you stared back, you only noticed when your heavy eyes closed, you had to force yourself to jolt. you had to stay awake, stay alert! 

after what felt like years the thing grunted again and you watched its glowing blue eyes slowly retreat back under the water without causing so much as a splash or even a ripple in the water. you sighed as it slowly disappeared back into the water and let yourself relax for a moment, you sluggishly crawled out of your shelter to try and take a peek to see if it was nearby or you had scared it off, though you doubt it would've been scared by a scrawny human with a glorified pointy stick, it probably just got bored or thought you weren't worth the effort. which was a bit of a blow to your ego, but you didn't care very much. at least it had left you alone, just in time too! you felt yourself nearly fall off the raft from exhaustion and crawled your way back to the shelter and back into your sleeping bag, finally able to rest your aching eyes and sleep through the rest of the night.

in the morning you got up and groaned in discomfort, sleeping basically on a cold Wood floor wasn't doing any good on your back. you noted to yourself to see if you could find or make something to turn into some padding to put under your sleeping bag. you got up and stretched, cracking your back with another grunt before you got up and shivering, jeez it was getting cold! what season was it by now? you couldn't keep track.

once you felt somewhat awake you sat by the edge of the raft, waiting for some fish to pass by to eat for breakfast. you managed to grab a few fish, the fish were smaller and there was less, where were they going? do fish migrate when it got colder? in this weather you didn't blame them you would too. you slowly lifted up the anchor you had set the day prior and put some more wood in the pit to revive it. you cooked up your fish like any other day but damn, you were getting kind of tired of your diet just consisting of fish, but it was better than nothing. 

it got all dark all of a sudden and you looked up at the sky, it looked like it was going to rain, quite heavy too.

"Oh shit" you hissed to yourself, storms were dangerous at sea, even minor rain caused a bit issue so what could you do with a massive storm, looked like it was going to be quite long too.

you flinched when you noticed the creature was back, but no matter how much you wanted to defend yourself against it again you had more important stuff to do, like prepare for the storm and pray it doesn't take out your dainty little raft...

((finally got around to getting back to this story, let me know if there's any spelling mistakes :) ))

'Life afloat' REMAKE peter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now