Chapter 8

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You are still unconscious. But you can feel yourself tied to a chair. You start gaining your consciousness. You can hear Jungkook say, "Yeah, she'll wake up in a while. The chloroform won't keep her asleep for long."
Then, a lady like voice says, "Make sure that she doesn't run away. Just check if the ropes are tight enough to keep her tied. Now that she's with us, we can use her."
"Use her? But how?", Jungkook's voice says.
"I have a plan.", The lady-like voice says.
You slowly open your eyes to find a lady, and Jungkook standing there. You blink a few times to make sure that whatever you are seeing is correct. You try to move but you are tied to the chair.
"Oh! You are awake. Oh my baby, it's been so long since I've seen you.", the lady says.
You don't understand why that lady just called you 'my baby'? Wait, you heard her say that she has a plan which she can use to manipulate your mind and then use you against your team. Pretty clever huh? But you aren't gonna believe anything they say. That's what Soo-Yoon unnie (Detective Star) taught you.
"Y/N, listen carefully. We are gonna tell you a truth which wasn't told to you before.", That lady says.
"Trying to manipulate my mind? Go ahead.", you think and smirk to yourself.
"A truth? Sure. Tell me.", you say.
"So, first of all, I'm your real mom and not that Mrs. Kang. Andyou belong to this team not that Kang's team.", that lady starts to tell you.
"Okay, so you mean that first you kidnapped me and brought me here. And now you're telling me that you are my mom. And you want me to believe that? Hahahaha.", you say laughing.
"Listen first. When you were young, very young, they kidnapped you and held you as a hostage. Thay wanted us to surrender to them. We thought that if we try to do something, they might kill you. So we trained your brother Chanyeol. We wanted to make him strong enough to fight with those guys and take you back. Chanyeol enrolled himself in the same school as Jungkook, their Junior Detectives leader so that he could get regular information about your group. He became good friends with Jungkook. But somehow, they came to know about our plan and one day Jungkook beat him up and captured him. Jungkook did this to show how powerful he and his group is. While Chanyeol grew up with us, you were taken care by those Kangs.", that lady explains to you.
"Chanyeol is my brother?", you ask acting to be shocked.
"Yes he is.", the lady says.
"And you mean, that they captured both of us and kept us as hostages and you didn't do anything to take revenge?", you ask.
"We didn't need to do anything. Jungkook's younger brother Junghyun was with us from the very start. Actually Jungkook was given priority in his family as he was the elder kid. And Junghyun always had to settle with less. Junghyun wasn't happy with the way he was treated in his family, so he joined our group and is now against them.", as the lady was telling you this, a Jungkook-like person came in with a glass of water in his hand.
"Here, have it.", Jungkook's doppelganger said and brought the water close to your mouth.
His voice was just like Jungkook's. If someone was to close their eyes and he spoke, they would think that it was Jungkook who spoke. You turn your face to the other side (avoiding him) and ask him, "Who are you?"
"Me? I'm Junghyun. Jungkook's younger brother. Your mom already told you everything about me. And stop your tantrums, drink some water. You must be tired, of living with those Kangs and Jeons.", Junghyun says bringing the glass more closer to your mouth.
"I don't want water. Thanks.", you say avoiding it as you never know what all is mixed in that transparent looking liquid called water.
"Okay fine. But now, you must help us. We're gonna train you so that you can bring your brother back from them. First, let's eat something. Aren't you hungry honey?", that lady asks you. You cringe out on that word 'honey'.
The lady brings you some food and starts spoon-feeding you as your hands are tied to the hands of the chair. You avoid her and say, "What kind of a mother are you? If you were my real mother, you would have opened me and let me have my food myself."
"Well, if that's so, then I'll open your hands so that you can eat.", the lady says and opens just your hands. You waist and legs are still tied to the chair.
"That was a nice emotional blackmail Y/N, but that won't work on your mom. She's a well trained detective.", Junghyun, who was browsing the web on his laptop, said.
"Now have your food.", the lady says handing you the plate.
"No, I don't wanna eat this. Who knows you might have mixed poison in this? Or maybe some chemical which would make me forget what all happened in my life with my mom and dad.", you say.
"My dear, why would I mix poison in my own daughter's food? And if you don't believe that I'm your mum, then why would we capture you and keep you here if we had to kill you? And about the chemical which makes you forget, I don't wanna let you forget your miserable life with the Kangs. I want you to take revenge on them for all they have done to you.", the lady says.
"All they have done to me?", you ask trying to remember what wrong the Kangs did to you.
"Don't you remember? The Kangs have always left you alone at home with some secret detective keeping a check on you so that we don't get you back. And the Kangs have always been so strict to you. The Kangs have always kept you away from making friends. They barely let you enjoy the happiness of friendship. Plus the Kangs told you about all these secret groups now, because they needed you to be their hostage. They have just used you. My poor baby has suffered so much.", the lady sadly says patting your head.
You think, "Well... Whatever she said IS true. My parents (The Kangs) truly did all this to me. Plus, when these groups met, my mom, Mrs. Kang said that they have me. 'Have me' means what? Have me as a hostage? So maybe, whatever this lady is saying is true, and she might also be my real mom. And story she told might be true. But, what if she's just making up stories to manipulate my mind? But all these incidents fit so perfectly in my life. But Detective Star told me not to believe their stories. But what if she said this to keep me away from my real parents so that I myself go back to the Kangs and they won't have to kidnap me again?"... Many thoughts like these flood your mind. You can't understand what the truth is. You feel like your whole life till now was a lie.

"Y/N? Lost in thoughts? It's fine. You might take time to recover from all this trauma. But don't worry. You'll be safe. From now on, forget those Kangs and start a fresh life. I and your father would take great care of you and give you everything you always wanted.", that lady says.
"Who is my dad?", you ask that lady.
"Your dad is the one who was talking to the Kangs and he told everyone to start shooting so that there would be chaos everywhere and we managed to get you back.", the lady replies.
You remember that guy. When you entered the room with the Junior Detectives surrounding you, a guy said, "Y/N?? So you all captured her to be your hostage?" His face matched a lot to you. And your voice is pretty familiar to this lady. So this means that you've been living the life of an adopted child? You feel the anger getting high inside you because of the Kangs.
Suddenly, Junghyun, who was talking to someone on his phone, said, "Yess! Good job detectives!... What?.... Ok, no problem..... Yeah, make sure you come back safely."
"What happened Junghyun?", the lady asks.
"There's a good news. Our detectives almost killed that girl named Sohee. They couldn't capture her, but they said that she's almost dead and there's no way she could be saved now. That's a big achievement for us. Killing someone so skilled is very hard, but our detectives did it. Yess!", Junghyun said dancing around happily.
Those lines, "Almost killed that girl named Sohee..... No way she could be saved.... Killing someone so skilled...", brought tears to your eyes. Sohee, who has been your friend since childhood is no more now. You feel the tears wetting your cheeks as all your memories with Sohee came to your mind. Whenever you were in trouble, Sohee helped you get out of it. She once saved you from a snake who coiled itself around your leg and could have bitten you to death. But without caring for her life, she removed that snake from your leg. Then in primary school, when you lost your book just before the day of exam, she shared all her books with you so that you don't fail. Even during the exams, she helped you with the answers. When the teacher caught you both cheating, she took all the blame on herself. She got suspended but was happy that you weren't scolded. And now here in High School, she saved you from the bullies and other children by removing all those pictures of you with drugs and alcohol bottles in your hand from the notice board... You almost start crying when you hear some bullets being shot outside. Junghyun and that lady who were celebrating Sohee's death, now became alert.
"Are they here? Did they follow us?", the lady asks.
"But how did they follow us? I made sure that our people surrounded the Junior Detectives and the others were inside the building. Plus our backup team also didn't see anyone following us.", Junghyun said.
"Then from where are these firing sounds coming? Let's go and check.", the lady says.
"What about Y/N?", Junghyun asks.
"We'll lock her here so that no one harms her. Let's go.", the lady says and they both go outside and lock the door from outside.
You are still tied to the chair. You put your whole energy to escape from the ropes on the chair. Then you remember that you don't have any energy left. You were tired after so much fighting and you haven't eaten anything since then.
Then suddenly, you hear Jungkook shouting from the corridor outside, "Y/N? Are you here? Please reply..."
You immediately shout back, "Jungkook! I'm here, in this room."
"Y/N? He knocks on the door of the room in which you are in.
"Yeah, I'm here. But they've tied me to a chair with ropes. Only my hands are free and I can't do anything. Plus the door is locked from outside.", you tell Jungkook
"Y/N, listen, your hands are free right? Use them to take out the hidden knive from the little pocket on your right leg. Cut the ropes and open the door from inside. We don't have much time. Fast!!", Jungkook says as he tries to open the door by hitting and pushing it by his shoulder.
You do as Jungkook said. You take out the hidden knife and cut the ropes. Cutting the ropes is a bit hard as they are very strong and thick ropes. You somehow manage to cut the ropes. With no energy left, you try to reach the door to open it. Suddenly, the door swings open and Jungkook comes in. He is covered in blood. Maybe he was shot. He has cuts all over his face and hands. But still, he looks handsome.
"Let's go. They might come here any moment. We need to get back.", Jungkook says.
Should you go back with him? Or stay here with that lady who claims to be your mom. You have two choices now. Either you go with Jungkook and stay with the Kangs OR kill Jungkook right here as he is an enemy for this group. You don't have much energy left to run away and Jungkook is easy to kill as he is weak because he has been shot. You think for a second and then make up your mind. You know what exactly to do. You take you knive in your hands and..........

A/N : Big suspence...

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