Chapter 4 - Vision No.1

699 15 21

3rd Person

Will looked up and saw Jonathan glaring at him.

"Jonathan.. what's wrong?" Will whispered.

"You." He spat.

"W-What?" Will stuttered.

"You caused this. If you didn't go missing then none of this wouldn't have happened!" Jonathan yelled, getting up.

Will flinched, and tried to move away from the couch but he was stuck. He couldn't move.

"You. You are the reason for all of these deaths!" Jonathan yelled.

"No, no please I didn't mean to.." Will whispered, tearing up.

"You are the cause of all of this!" Jonathan got closer to him.

Will noticed that his eyes were white and began to panic.

"What happened!?" He freaked out.

"You, will be the one." Jonathan grinned, his mouth stretching to an unhumanly size.

Will's eyes widened and he could feel the tears start to fall down his face.

"W-What do you mean, the one?" Will's voice shook.

"The one to break. Everything. And everyone." Jonathan bent down, vines starting to crawl out of his eyes.

Will screamed, finally able to move, and grabbed a vase from next to him and smashed it on Jonathans face, running away.

He heard a growl and turned around to see Vecna stood there, looking angry.

Will tried to move his legs, but he was stuck to the floor.

"No! No let me go!" Will tried to move but he couldn't.

"Will. You can not stop me." Vecna moved closer to Will.

"No get away!" Will cried.

"You think, you and your friends, can stop me?" Vecna tilted his head slowly, stopping directly in front of Will.

He held his claw up to Will's face and wiped away his tear.

"Do not cry, child. You're time is almost, at an end." Vecna told him, causing Will to cry more.

"No, no no no go away." He sobbed, holding his hands up to his face.

"William. Do not cry." Vecna warned, moving his claw away from his face.

Will tried to stop crying, but failed.

"Be prepared. You do not have much longer." Vecna told him.

Everything around him began to fade, and Will was finally able to move.

"MIKE?" He screamed, searching the darkness.

"MIKE!?" He cried, scanning everywhere he could.

"MIKE!" Will collapsed, sobbing.

Will was collapsed on the ground, his whole body shaking. He was letting out loud sobs when he heard something.

"Will!" A faint voice whispered.

"Will!" It was Mike's voice.

"Mike?" Will looked around to see where it was coming from.

"WILL!" Mike yelled, and Will came back.

{Word Count: 424}

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now