Chapter 5 - Will?

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3rd Person

"His bones were snapped. And his eyes were gone as well. A-And Jonathan and Joyce were with him." Nancy told everyone, and she could see Jonathan trying to hold back his tears.

Jonathan looked over at Will, who's head was hung low.

"A-Are you okay, Will?" Jonathan asked, and got no response.

Will's chest began to heave up and down at an odd pace, and everyone began to panic.

"Will?" Mike spoke for the first time, gently shaking Will's arm.

Again, no response.

"Shit." Nancy muttered, lifting his head up.

As she had thought, his eyes where rolled into the back of his head and he was begining to cry.

They could hear him muttering something, but it was too quiet to hear what it was.

"Will?" Jonathan panicked, running over.

Tears began to stream down Will's face, and his eyes where still rolled into the back of his head.

"No, no go away please.." He whispered, barely audible.

"How is he able to speak?" Lucas panicked.

"I don't know!?" Nancy freaked out.

"Will! Come on man just wake up!" Dustin and Lucas came rushing over.

Lucas and Dustin were both shaking by now, and everyone was terrified.

"Will!" Mike shook him.

Will continued to whisper things.

"Will!" Mike shook him a little bit harder.

No response.

"WILL!" Mike yelled at him, and he woke up.

He looked around, terrified.

Mike pulled him into a tight hug, and Will melted into the hug, becoming hysterical.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, before asking him questions.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Was it Vecna?"

"What did he show you?"

"Are you hurt!?"

"Stop asking him questions! Your overwhelming him!" Mike spat, holding Will closer.

Will cried into Mike's back, his entire body shaking.

"M-Mike.." Will whispered, digging his head further into Mike's neck.

"Shh it's okay." Mike whispered, rubbing his back.

Robin and Steve shared a look, grinning slightly.

"Calm down, it's alright." Mike told Will, who had calmed down quite a bit.

"Will, can you tell us what you saw?" Jonathan looked at Will, who wouldn't take his head off of Mike's shoulder.

"I'm going to die!" Will cried.

"No, no you aren't. Just tell us what happened?" Jonathan tried.

Will lifted his head from Mikes shoulder and looked at Jonathan.

"V-Vecna told me that my time is almost at an end! And you say I'm not g-going to die!?" Will cried, shaking his head.

"Will stop it! We can help you just calm down!" Jonathan grabbed his shoulders.

Will looked at Jonathan for a minute, before nodding slowly and wiping away his tears.

"Okay, thank you. Now tell me, what happened." Jonathan sighed, holding his younger brother.

"I-I was here, and you got up and were yelling at me. You said that.. everything was my f-fault.." Will looked down, feeling guilty.

Jonathan shared a look with Nancy, confused.

"What's your fault?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

"All the upside down stuff. I-If I never went missing then none of this would have happened." Will's voice shook.

"Woah, Will none of this is your fault?" Jonathan raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"He's not wrong, is he.." Will gritted his teeth, upset with himself.

"No, Will don't say that." Jonathan warned him.

Will looked down, not daring to say another word.

It was silent for a few minutes, only the sound of Will's sniffles filled the room.

"So.. I guesss I have some sort of curse then?" Will asked them all.

"Yeah." Nancy sighed.

"Of course.." Will sighed aswell, fiddling with his fingers.

"Well how do we help?" Mike looked at his sister.

"Music. That helps, but I'm not sure it always works." Nancy told him.

Will nodded, and it was silent for a minute.

"Well what happens when the music doesn't work?" Will looked up at her.

Nancy opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Will hummed and looked around to see if anyone else had any suggestions.

"I can help." Eleven spoke up suddenly.

Every body looked up at her, looking confused.

"How? Didn't you loose your powers?" Robin looked at her.

"I have them back. I can help." Eleven told them.

"How?" Dustin asked.

"I went into mamas mind. Into Billys. I can go into Will's." Eleven explained to everyone who hadn't already heard this explanation.

"Whenever 001 attacks, he'll be in Will's mind, but I can do that too. I can protect him." Eleven told them all.

"But what about all of the other visions.?" Dustin asked, afraid.

"We can sort it out later. For now we help Will. Vecna is after him right now, not us." Eleven ordered, and everyone nodded.

"Mike, Dinner!" Karen knocked on the basement door.

"NOT NOW MUM!" Mike yelled, before turning back to Will.

"So, do we have a plan?" Steve confirmed.

"Yes." Eleven nodded.

{Word Count: 820}

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