6. Paper held by trembling hands

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I woke up to the sound of something crunchy. 

I sat up, realising that my surroundings, even though slightly familiar, weren't entirely mine. Same bed, but different sheets. Same walls, but different posters. 

"Good morning, Your Highness."

I jerked. There was Tobirama, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, munching on a custard pastry with blueberry jam. In front of him was a plate with scrambled eggs, bread that looked home-baked, and slices of cheese fresh vegetables. And a glass of orange juice. Next to him another plate of the same breakfast.

"You bought us breakfast?" I asked, touched. 

"I made it", he said, and there was pride in his voice. "I even baked the pastries and the bread myself."

"Oh, Tobes", I whispered, and went up and kissed him. 

For a moment, I felt him stiffen, and I felt an ice cold fear grab at my heart. But then, he softened, and I let it go. 

I put the scramble on the bread with some cucumber and tomatoes and took a bite. It was heavenly. 

"Thank you so much", I said.

"You're so very welcome, Your Highness" he said happily. I saw he was dressed in checked trousers and a T-shirt. "How is the hangover?"

"Not too bad", I said, blushing a little as if ashamed I had gotten away with it so lightly. 

"I put a pain killer on the bedside table just in case", Tobirama said.

"Don't you have a hangover?"

He smiled a little.

"I'm not allowed to drink when I'm on duty. Neither do I want to, even if I had been allowed. Your Highness' safety is my first priority."

Oh, he was just lovely. §Suddenly, I saw a future where he was by my side, and we had breakfast like this together every day. I saw us graduating together. Having a celebration together which we had planned and decorated. Him getting down on one knee, five years after we had started dating, asking me to marry him. Us having amicable fights about wedding cake flavours. Compromising by choosing it would be four stories (to suffice for all of our mutual friends) with two stories of each preferred flavour. Him in a suit. Me in a dress. Actually, I wasn't wearing my dress right now. I was in a T-shirt and trousers that were far too big for me. Shit, did he undress me completely to put this on? No, I still had my lingerie underneath, I-

"Your Highness?" 

I jerked, and looked at him. I saw he was frowning, and in his hand was a piece of paper. 

"Yes, darling?"

Tobirama scratched his head, something I had noticed he did when he was uncomfortable. Did it make him uncomfortable that I had called him darling? It had come so naturally to my lips. 

"Can you read this? If you have finished your breakfast."

I had finished my breakfast.

"Thank you, it was lovely", I said and took the paper, but he didn't answer, and I was suddenly deeply, deeply worried.

"Don't mention it", he said. "Please, read."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's... Just read it, please, Your Highness. I don't really know how to refer to it."

Rules of regulation for the person admitted to the service of His Royal Highness the King, to protect His firstborn son, or whomever is next in line to the throne, as the body guard of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

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