Cold Jealousy

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The bell rang and Ty groaned. End of homeroom and start of math. The shittest of all classes ever. He grabbed his bag and started walking, trying to ignore the popular kids' taunts and jeers his way. He got to the hallway and stopped dead in his tracks.

Up ahead, Seb was talking to someone. A girl. Who deemed it necessary to be right up in Seb space. Ty felt his fists clench. Seb looked uncomfortable as hell and kept trying to escape but was forced by politeness to keep talking to this biatch. Ty clutched his bag strap and marched forward, determination setting his jaw, jealousy flaring in his eyes. 

"Hey! Seb!" Ty called as cheerily as possible, approaching them both. The girl turned her amber eyes on him, and for a moment looked him up and down. She then decided Ty wasn't a threat and smiled warmly at him. Seb turned his attention towards his partner and sighed, heavily relieved to be saved. A smug smile threatened to show on his lips, but he made sure it stayed friendly towards this girl.

"Hey Ty." His tone was soft and warm, which the girl didn't seem to pick up on.

"Hi! I'm Kayla, Sebastion's friend." The girl added in with delight. "You are...?" Ty grinned proudly, placing his hands on his hips.

"Tyberius. Seb's... well, friend of a sorts." Seb coughed back a chuckle and Kayla furrowed her eyebrows slightly but beamed up at Ty again after a second. Ty glanced at Seb thinking, don't give me away.

"Nice to meet you, Ty!" He might have been digging a little, but Ty could have sworn there was an undertone of passive aggressiveness in that smile of hers; like it was just a little too forced. His own smile tightened uneasily. She knew something was up.

Ty turned to Seb quickly, an idea already formed in his head. "Did you finish studying for that exam we have?" 

Seb's expression changed in the slightest, from confusion to worry. He caught on quickly, Ty admired that about him. Well, usually. He kept up the act.

"You didn't, did you...?" Ty trailed off, shaking his head. "You know this counts for 80% of our mark." He exclaimed, grabbing Seb's wrist and scowling. Ty glanced at Seb's face in that second and caught the slight pink tone in his cheeks from the physical touch.

Kayla blinked, looking between them both.

"I know I know!" Seb grimaced, looking away. "I was hoping you would let me forget." He mumbled at the floor.

"Come on, I can help you in our next class." Ty tugged his wrist a little. He wanted to get Seb alone. He wanted to get away from this brat who was trying to steal him.

Seb turned towards Kayla apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot I had that coming up. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" Kayla nodded and Seb was towed away. Ty bit his lip as he walked away with Seb. After a moment, his fingers slipped down into Seb's and intertwined. They walked at a faster than usual pace and after a while, Seb faltered.

"Ty... Class is two rooms behind us." He spoke warily. 

"I know." 

"Where are we going?"

"Should have stopped by and told Ms. Bones we we're going to be late, hm?" Ty could feel Seb's eyes widen.

"Ty, where are we going?" Seb asked with a bit more urgency. Ty rolled his eyes, hitting the stairs and dragging Seb up.

"It's not like I'm going to murder you. If I wanted to, I would've already." 

"That's not reassuring in the slightest." 

They kept climbing the stairs until they reached the roof. It was only a three-story school, but Ty's legs were pained after all the shifts he'd taken recently. He sighed and turned to Seb, releasing the grip on his hand a little.

"Sorry if I hurt you." Ty looked down at Seb's hand, knowing he was squeezing it as they walked. Seb let a small smile tilt his lips upwards.

"Never get jealous... I wonder who could've said that?" Seb tilted his head in fake pondering and Ty shook his head.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You were the one who looked uncomfortable, I just thought I'd help."

"Ah yes, just two 'sort of friends' helping one another out." Seb air quoted Ty and he chuckled.

"Well, what did you want me to say? 'Hi, I'm Seb's boyfriend who's really overprotective and insecure, could you please step away from him before they'll be finding your body for five months, thanks.'? I don't see how that could've gone better." Seb laughed and Ty grinned.

"Just 'Seb's friend' would've been fine!" he remarked.

"Ah," Ty pointed a finger at him. "We're not friends though." Seb nodded thoughtfully.

"You've got a point. But we are sort of... oh, I see what you did there. Boy-friend. Sort of friend. Smart." Seb looked up at Ty who was beaming. 

"We better get to class soon. Before we're found preferably." Seb said after a pause. Ty puckered his lips in thought.

"Fine, one thing first." 

Ty leaned down and placed a quick kiss on Seb's lips. It always seemed to catch Seb off guard, and he went a little red every time. Ty pulled back and tilted his head to the side a little.

"Do you really wanna go back to class?" He murmured, hoping he knew the answer.

"Nope. Can we stay here a little longer?" Ty smiled softly.

"I guess I could squeeze it into my busy schedule." He joked.

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