Chapter One

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I lay in the soft evergreen grass staring up at the passing clouds fading into the distance. As I lay there, I tried to put my excitement under control, but it was pointless. I could not wait to be able to finally use my powers to heal the sick like the rest of my family has done for generations and I was to be the next. I sat up and looked around me in awe the Ivory Palace Garden always had that effect on me.

"Hazel!" I heard my sister, Mya, yell from across the garden, "come inside it is time to go to bed! You do not want to be half-asleep for tomorrow I know how important it is to you!"

"Coming!" I called back stretching my legs as I slowly began to stand up, Mya was right tomorrow was a big day for me, it would be the first time I would be allowed to use my powers. This thought caused me to pick up my pace moving with purpose and faster, in the process, I ended up accidentally breaking one of the baby blue orchids that my mother had planted last year. I stared at the flower that now lay still and lifeless along the swaying blades of grass underneath it.

Just wait until tomorrow, I thought to myself as I continued up the path to my house, tomorrow I would be able to heal anyone and anything, tomorrow I would be able to heal this flower, tomorrow all my dreams would come true. I was comforted by these thoughts as I lay in my bed and seamlessly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I awoke suddenly and my eyes flitted over to the clock on my nightstand that now read 5:12 I sat up and looked around trying to remember what had awakened me, but could not place my finger on it, the aurora of dark magic was faintly present in the air of my room, but I dismissed this at once being a draft that must have come in from my open window. I lay back down trying to regain the blissful sleep I had been in only a few minutes before, but it was pointless, so I got up and grabbed a hair brush off my dresser, brushing mechanically. I then spent the rest of the morning getting ready for today I was ecstatic and had to force myself to slow down and not rush through my morning routine or else I would have way too much time to kill.

Eventually after three painfully slow hours it was 8:00, the time when the rest of my family would be getting up from their slumber. I practically flew down the stairs reaching the kitchen half a beat before the rest of my family members got there.

"Well looks like someone is excited," my mom said chuckling to herself, "you need to calm down, until they send the 'go ahead' signal on the port you must be patient."

I sighed apologetically though I am still bouncing in my seat awaiting the moment when the green light will flash. I pace up and down the kitchen while my mom cooks with the help of my sister. I could not appreciate the wonderful scents that were filling the room thanks to my impulsive nature.

"Hazel stop pacing like a caged tiger and come eat!" my sister called out to me, holding a large plate of steaming waffles, pulling me out of my trance.

"I am coming do not worry I would never miss your waffles." I say, Mya laughed knowingly. I mean the statement was true, Mya's waffles were the best in the world.

While we were eating a flash of green fills the room for about a second before returning to the normal coloring of the kitchen. I freeze the full force of what that light means hits me a second later than the rest of my family. That light had just deactivated the device suppressing my powers and now I could use them freely.

"Well come on what are you waiting for? Try out your powers!" Mya exclaimed.

"Ok! Ok! Just give me a second" I nearly shout, my sister quiets down, an impatient smile rests on all my family members faces waiting for me to use my powers. I take a breath and open my clenched fists releasing a giant red electrical current blasting out of my palms filling the air with a dark crimson red energy.

"Hazel stop!" My dad's panicked voice cried out into the tunnel I had created, I stared dumbfounded, unable to take control of my body as I watched as my family began to struggle to breathe.

"Hazel!" Mya's anguished plea finally brings me back to my senses and I struggle to shut my fits and stop the persistent flow of energy coming from my hands. When the energy had completely disappeared, my family began to breathe in a normal steady pattern.

"W-what happened?" I stuttered trying to wrap my head around what had happened.

"You," My mom began gasping a little, "you have blood magic." I stared at her I had heard of blood magic before, but I had thought it to be a myth, a ledged, something parents tell their children in stories.

"B-blood magic" I began slowly, "are you sure?" I am desperate for another option, anything other than the horrible possibility that I could have the one type of magic that kills. The one type of magic that is forbidden throughout all lands due to its dangers. My mother nodded solemnly.

I drew back in fear, "No," I said still backing away, "No!"

"Hazel I-I'm sorry but it's true!" My mom said tentatively walking towards me as if I were a scared animal though at that moment that is how I felt. I saw my dad and sister begin to take steps towards me and I bolted out the door and ran into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

A/N what do you think??

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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