ass might finally defeats Jimmy Kellogg

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Meanwhile With ass might

Ass might is just in his room thinking about plans on defeating Jimmy kellogg

Ass might: That's it!! I discovered how to defeat Jimmy Kellogg!!*shows a Grinch smile*

Meanwhile in the middle of the street

Jimmy and his kids were challenging ass might to a showdow

Jimmy Kellogg: ass might... Just face it you're not going to defeat me one day. and you're reign on the quirkless community is over!!

Ass might: but Jimmy I have one question to ask you?

Jimmy Kellogg: what is it?

Ass might: you have a son named Luke right?

Jimmy Kellogg:*confused* yeah...why?

Ass might: well guess what?

Jimmy Kellogg: what?

Ass might:...LUKE ON MY NUTS!!! >:D

Jimmy Kellogg:😱*shocked and gets knocked out*

Izuku: dad!!*turns to ass might* you're going to pay for that!!

Ass might: yeah but did you heard of Joe?

Izuku: who's Joe?

Ass might: JOE MAMA!!!

Izuku:O⁠_⁠o*also gets knocked out*

Luke Kellogg: you monster!!!

Ass might: I'm no monster!! And say I ate happiness but remove the "h" and the first "p".

Luke Kellogg: okay let me think 🤔... I ate a penis.O⁠_o *gets knocked out*

Ass might: yeah!!

Julie exe: you may have defeated all of them...But you can't defeat me!!

Ass might: yeah sure but have you ate at Wendy's?

Julie exe: yeah I did why?

Ass might: well if you like Wendy's so much... DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN DEEZ NUTS GET SHOVED DOWN YOUR THROAT?!?! >:D

Julie exe:O⁠_⁠o*knocked out*

Ass might: I did it!! I finally defeated Jimmy!!*turns to the viewers* don't worry Jimmy fans! They're not dead! They're just knocked out from my trolls!

I hope you liked this short everybody and Emmanuel out!! :D

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