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It is a gloomy morning, outside is pouring down with rain and they could hear the thunder and lightning from far away

Danielle woke up super early, she woke up feeling terrible with a high fever. She tried to get out of Haerin's embrace as she don't want Haerin to catch her sickness but Haerin's arms are wrapped around her too tightly

After a little bit of trying with very little energy Danielle has in her body she finally released herself from Haerin's arms but today doesn't seem to be a good day for her

Danielle's legs got tangled up with the blanket which made her fall off the bed and hit her head on the floor

The sudden noise made Haerin jerked up, she looked down at Danielle on the floor with worry



Danielle whined as she rubbed her scalp, Haerin went over to Danielle and check on her, she wrapped her arms around Danielle and kissed her head but Danielle lightly pushed Haerin away

Haerin titled her head and looked at Danielle in confusion

You shouldn't hug me, i dont want to get you sick

Haerin wrapped her arms around Danielle, using her hands to rub her back

"You shouldn't worry, you know i have a strong immune system. I haven't gotten sick in years"

Danielle grabbed onto Haerin's shirt and buried her head deep into her girlfriend's chest

"Im so tired Haerin-ah.. i can hardly move my body"

A frowned appeared on Haerin's face, seeing her girlfriend so Ill bring Haerin sadness and worries. Haerin carried Danielle back into bed and tucked her in

"Stay here, i'll go get you medicine and some water"

As Haerin tries to get up Danielle quickly grabbed her hand and looked up at Haerin with teary sparkly eyes and a slight frown

"dont go.."

She whined, Danielle gets very emotional and attached to Haerin especially when she's sick. She can never be alone as it is her biggest fear ever

Haerin kneeled down and kissed the other girl's forehead

"It will only take a minute, okay?"

Danielle look like she's about to burst into tears as her frown gets bigger and sadder


Letting out a big sigh, Haerin has no other option but to carry Danielle to the living room and set her down to look through the medicine drawer. Danielle is still holding onto Haerin's arm as she is not wanting to let go

Haerin found the medicine and gave it to Danielle along with a glass of water

Haerin carried Danielle back to their room to tucked Danielle back in, she lay down next to Danielle and cuddled with her. Danielle snuggled and bury her face deep into Haerin's chest while Haerin is gently and slowly giving her back rubs

Danielle quickly doze off and so did Haerin

They sleep peacefully for a few hours until Haerin woke up, she looks up at the time and notices that it's already noon even though outside looks so dark and gloomy

She wants to wake Danielle up but couldn't bring herself to as she looks so cozy and adorable while sleeping, she lightly kissed the girl's forehead and carefully remove Danielle's arms from her

She went into the kitchen and started making potato and beef stew, it is the only dish she know how to make, she got the recipe from her mom and makes it every time Danielle is sick (which is a lot of times)

Haerin put everything into a pot and put the heat on low to let it simmer. She went back into the bedroom and was met with an angry and sad puppy-looking Danielle

"You're awake.."

Danielle pouted "you promise not to leave"

Danielle made grabby hands at her girlfriend. Haerin smiled and went back to bed to cuddle with Danielle, she kissed her sweetly and whispered

"Im making you stew"

After 2 hours or so the stew should be ready, she looked at Danielle with a smile then started kissing her multiple times in the face to wake her up

Danielle woke up chuckling from the kisses

"That tickles!" she mumbled

Haerin carried her into the kitchen and put the stew into a beautiful looking bowl

Danielle even half asleep she's still able to finish the stew, Haerin gave the other girl some more medicine and another glass of water. After their lunch they went back to the bedroom for Danielle to rest

Danielle look up at Haerin then closed her eyes

"Haaaaerinnnnn... i want kisses"

Whatever Danielle wants, Haerin gives. She kiss Danielle multiple times till she is satisfied

"Do you love me?"

"I love you more than the stars in the universe" Haerin responded softly

Danielle smiled and quickly doze off again. Haerin constantly give her back rubs to make her sleep as best as possible

Its times like this that makes Haerin feels like she's taking care of a little kid. Even though Danielle is older by a year, she often feels like she's the older one for always constantly taking care of Danielle but she's happy to do. She can do anything for Dani, there is no other person in the whole world that she loves as much as she love Danielle

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