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"As soon as Loki took the doctor, we moved Jane Foster. They've got an excellent observatory in Tromso. She was asked to consult there very suddenly yesterday. Handsome fee, a private plane, and is very remote. She'll be safe." I say to Thor
"Thank you," Thor says back
"Of course, Jane is a close personal friend," I say to him.
He nods
"It's no accident, Loki taking Erik Selvig. I dread what he plans for him once He's done. Erik is a good man." Thor says
"He talks about you a lot, you changed his life. You changed everything around here," said Agent Coulson
"They were better as they were. We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced, but we come here, battling like bilge snipe," he says
"Oh, I hate those." I say shivering in memory
"Like what?" said Agent Coulson
"Bilge snipe" said Thor in confusion.
"They're huge, scaly, big antler creatures," I say
"You don't have those?" said Thor
"I don't think So," said Coulson
As I laugh
"Well, they are repulsive," said Thor
"I can agree with that statement," I said
"And they trample everything in their path When I first came to earth, Loki's rage followed me here, and your people paid the price. and now, again. In my youth, I courted war." he said
I was about to make a joke about our arranged marriage but then I thought that it may be too soon.
"War hasn't started yet. Do you think you could make Loki tell us where the Tesseract is?" said, Nick
"I do not know. Loki's mind is far afield. It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance, upon me. For many reasons. No pain would praise his need from him." he says looking at me and then Nick
"A lot of guys think that until the pain starts," said Nick
"What are you asking me to do?" said Thor
"I'm asking, what are you prepared to do?" said Nick
"Loki is a prisoner" Thor spoke again
" Then why do I feel that he is the only person on this boat that wants to be here?" said Nick
Romanoff has a go at Loki and is successful getting information from him but I have to have my turn because mine is personal.
I am standing behind Loki when he turns and meets my eyes
"There are no people who can sneak up on me without me knowing, it seems you are the first" he said to me.
"Do you want me to bow or I know give a speech about how lucky I am for the amazing achievement I have been awarded, the first person to sneak up on the god of mischief," I say sarcastically
"Fiesty as ever, something don't change."
"Mine if I join you," I say to him
"No, please there is space for the both of us," he says
I start to take off my gear first my trench coat packing my dagger and whatnot
All Loki does is watch
"Are you enjoying the show?" I say as I pull 2 small daggers out of my belt and some other weapon assortment
"Oh, yes, I am in fact," he says in reply
I open the door and get in. I ask an agent to close me inside and then leave.
"Thank you, Agent," I say to the women
"Yes, Director," I say
"Director?" he says calling me by my Midgard title
"Yes, well went you are there went they make the organization you kind of make the rules and get the fancy title and fun job of bossing everyone around."
" So where do we start?" he says
"Whatever do you mean?" I say
"Well it been a while seen we last saw one another," he says
"It has," I say back crossing my arms and planting my legs.
"So you are Adopted, Thor told me," I said to him trying to fine topic of conversation to start with.
"I am. Do you fear me?" he says getting closer to me
I don't even flinch making him curious.
"No, I do not fear you," I say looking straight at him his eyes.
He stops for a moment looks in disbelief then shows me his true form
"And now?"
As he reveals his true form I do not flinch once more but I move closer to him instead
"I do believe I said, no," I say to the god.
Touching his cheek with my hand his cheek is cold to the touch and so are his fingers as he grazing along my hand. He feels my hand as I touch his face making sure that my touch is real and not illusion like he is scared that I will disappear.
"I can assure you my touch is real, Loki," I say
Then a bomb is heard and I fall to the ground
"Son of a bitch!" I say as I get up and the agent comes to open the cell so I can take action.
"Wait, please," he says as he grabs my hand
"Loki, we are on opposite sides of this war," I say as I run out
I am in the hallway when I see a man wearing all black and straps of weapons and I start to attack him the man but I really would not call it fighting he is not fighting back.
"Oh, come one hit back you, you coward." I say
One tried to come up behind me but I smacked their heads together knocking them out.
I tried to fight another one but she would not fight me.
Then a thought came to me. did someone tell them not to attack me? LOKI!
"God dammit, why are your soldiers cowards, and why will they not hit me!" I say to him in a yell
"I told them not to harm you," he says calm.
"Why, I am your enemy no matter our history," I say
"No, you are not my enemy, you are not my history. You are my present and my future." he says
I open the cell and close it with my magic and I point my finger to his chest
"You Asshole." I say I then realize how close I am to him.
I look down at his lips and he looks down at mine. And then he kisses me his lips on mine. Soft and intoxicating we kiss passionately and aggressively the heat from my out burst making the kiss feel like thousands of bombs going off from the tension. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him as he pushes me to the wall. He continues to kiss my lips I don't want it to end even though I should but all those old feeling the ones I have forced down come back then he moves down to my neck and hell do I like it so much. His tongue and lips graze my neck something that I have imagined before but it is so much better then I could ever imagine. But then I remembered what sides we are on.
"Son, of a bitch" I say getting down from him " I now have to go save the world now from your alien army, while thinking about how much I want to kiss you!" I say leaving and locking the cell with my powers
Before I leave I take care of the footage of me and Loki kissing.
"Bye Antlers, I have to go save the world now," I say to him
He does not reply all he does is look at me.
And I look at him one more time as I put on all my gear again and then leave to join the others.

The Lost Princess  Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now