Part 12

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•𓇬𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝙾𝚅𓇬•

They laughed as they felt such a connection and the attention they wanted...

They talked about so many old memories and time went by fast because by the time they checked it was really late

𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧- I need to go rest

𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧- yeah, take care pretty boy

Jimin chuckled at the nickname and stood up leaving, after a bit he got to his room and got a phone call but when he saw it was Taehyung he didn't answer it he then got a text from him saying "can we talk?" and then got another one from Jungkook saying "it's important so please answer the phone"

Jimin blood boiled as he thought about how they completely had made him feel like shit for this past months just cause they couldn't return his feelings

He sighed and blocked them as he didn't want to keep feeling the pain he's felt because of them, on the other side Taehyung kept sending messages but non seem to get through, then they realised they had been blocked and they became aggravated but they calmed down as they thought that he would get over it and unblock them soon

Jungkook had still not told Taehyung about Jimin not being a beta and he didn't plan to because the thought of maybe Taehyung snaching him first didn't sit right with Jungkook, he sighed as he really did need to talk to Jimin in private and make him his soon since he was afraid of Jimin going into another heat and getting marked by someone who wasn't him, he became anxious but decided to just hurry up on this mission to go home soon and see his beautiful Jimin

Jimin didn't unblock them and after a while forgot about them, he devoted himself to training again and now Namjoon helped him so he just kept improving

After a month Jin and Taemin came back, bringing Jimin more happiness now since now other people talked to him

They all went back to teaching Jimin how to do specific tasks and days went by fast then weeks, by when they checked again it was a couple of days before the mission

Jimin was nervous because even though he had trained he still felt like everyone will think he's not ready and will not let him go, he checked the time and it was 7am he stood up from bed as he wanted to Namjoon response

He quickly washed his teeth and face as he changed and went to Namjoon room excitedly yet scared

He got their and went into the bedroom but found a sleeping almost completely naked Namjoon and Jin and now really felt his throat go dry as he didn't know how to ask in this situation

Jimin stood in front of Namjoon as he didn't know what to do but really wanted an answer now, he shock him a little getting a light groan from him

Namjoon opened one of his eyes as he saw Jimin just standing their impatiently

𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧- what time is it?

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