Part 14

373 13 3

Authors POV

Jimin looked as how this was all his fault he saw as Jungkook hit Namjoon onto the ground and saw as the other members kept looking at him with such weird stares....

He realized what was going on and he knew that this was bad he started crawling up the stairs getting a pase as he started moving faster because of the adrenaline of himself being scared

He looked up now facing Taehyung room and saw as everyone was dashing up the room almost chasing him, Jimin didn't hesitate to go in as he locked the door feeling so weak in those moments

Jimin heard banging in the door but all he could do was hide under the sheets as after a bit he stopped hearing sounds

Jimin was in so much pain as he stood up and looked at himself in the wall mirror

He saw as his member was turned on and he couldn't help but lower his pants to take care of it and get this over with

But it wasn't that easy as every touch made Jimin moan uncontrollably, his pants where already soaked as all the liquids that where coming out of him

Jimin started to freak out about all of this but just continued to please himself as that's all his body wanted

That when he saw one of Taehyung hoodies but the smell was really faded but that didn't stop Jimin from digging his face in it

He kept groaning as the feeling felt so good he had never experienced anything like this but what Jimin didn't know is that he was being heard because then the door was slammed open

The door slammed open as Taehyung walked in with blood on all over his hands and chest as he walked slowly towards Jimin

Jimin in those moments didn't feel scared or anything all he wanted was Taehyung all he could think about was Taehyung that's all that was in his head

Taehyung covered his nose closing the door wanting to get Jimin out of here before Jungkook got to him but that wasn't gonna be possible because as he got closer he was now standing in front of Jimin who had been playing with himself on the floor in front of the mirror

Taehyung felt so much dominance and he tried his best to fight his instincts but when he saw as Jimin grabbed onto his legs pulling himself up and then gently pulled Taehyung hands from his nose

Taehyung nose was filled with the most amazing scent as his knees went back to being weak

He looked at Jimin who was already losing his patience, and in that moments Taehyung was pushed on the bed as Jimin undressed himself on leaving his underwear on and sitting on his lap

Taehyung was taken a back by all of this as he never thought he would be in this situation but while Taehyung was lost in his thought Jimin kissed him

Of course Jimin wasn't the best kisser but his lips made up for it as he tasted so sweet to Tae

Taehyung grabbed the back of Jimin head pulling more into a deep kiss and then pulled away panting for air but Taehyung was already at his limit as his fangs where already out he pulled Jimin by the hair making his head back as he bit him on the nape

Jimin screamed in pain as his body burned even more

Taehyung pulled Jimin close as he saw he was gonna fall

Taehyung POV

Is Jimin an omega? No that can't be I've smelled many omegas before but this smell isn't like those

I stood their as I saw Jimin crawl up the stairs and then room to my room, but I also saw as the rest of the workers ran after him

And when I turned I saw a pissed of Jungkook fighting Namjoon on the floor, I called all the outside bodyguards to come in and get a hold of Jungkook before he actually killed Namjoon

But of course Jungkook being so powerful we started fighting them as they tried getting him under control

I knew that if Jungkook got a hold of Jimin he would probably rip him apart and that shit scared the living out of me

So I ran up stairs to see all the workers hitting my room door trying to get in and that when I knew Jimin had locked himself inside

I started pulling them and trying to give them orders but Jimin smell had penetrated through their heads course of how out of control they were

I started getting mad and some even pushed me when I tried getting in front of the door

And that's when I lost it I started fighting one by one until I was the only one standing in front of the door now

I pulled picked the lock opening the door wide open where I saw Jimin on his knees touching himself in front of a mirror

I felt my body orgasm by the scene before my eyes, my head went everywhere as I couldn't stop thinking the most dirty things

I walked in closing the door and I snapped out of it as I was standing in front of Jimin, he looked so small and defenseless and the thought of Jungkook doing unthinkable things to him scared the living shit out of me

I need to get him out of here fast before the other one gets to us but then I felt Jimin grab onto my legs as he pulled himself up I went back to feeling such a dominance towards him

That when I felt myself get pushed onto the bed and when I saw Jimin slide his pants off and pull his shirt off also I felt so speechless as I never expected to be in this situation

I knew this was bad and that I should let him get the best of me but when he sat on my lap and kissed me in a sloppy way I felt myself floating

As my hands slid all over his body I felt myself getting harder and harder and that when I felt by fangs come out more as I stopped thinking right and pulled his head back bitting into his nape

I pulled him as he let out a scream, I pulled him back into a kiss as I saw he was crying but I'm those moments I couldn't control myself anymore

I stood up throwing him on the bed and then undressing myself before hovering him and pulling his last piece of clothes off

Jimin just laid their giving me such an alluring gaze that made me realize that their is no going back and that what I've felt for him all along was true him...

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