Dinosaur King
Godzilla The Series/1998.
When (Y/N) Tatopoulos is the Twin Brother of Nick Tatopoulos Soldier and Combatant Martial Artist along with his kaiju son: Zilla Junior working together since Nick and his friends are retired of H.E.A.T. an...
Spike: "Wait, you say there was an giant dinosaur bigger than the building size?!?" He said in surprise and what he was heard about this morning about there was a huge giant creature who was bigger than the building.
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The appearance of the D-lab is based mostly on prehistoric things, the front being based on a ceratopsian head (seemingly Triceratops), and featuring a plesiosaur statue outside near a small flower patch shaped like a stegosaur. Inside the building there are paintings of dinosaurs and lots of fossils, including three giant fossils of a Tyrannosaurus, Placerias, and a Tupuxuara. Many of the devices, like the display screens, are also dinosaur-themed in aesthetic, and stylized theropod footprints are stamped all over.
The D-Lab is the D-Team's headquarters, from which they teleport to other countries in the first series to capture the wild dinosaurs. Reese keeps the captured dinosaur cards and also made and modifies the Dino Holders here. Its computer can also more precisely pin down where the Dino Holders have detected the new dinosaur, though in some episodes the Holders alone are enough for the D-Team to name its location.
There was an man who was dressing casual outfit and he wore sort of cowboy outfit and he got his hat on and he had a fingerless gloves on and he was wore a converse sneakers and this man must be the professor and the father of Max Taylor.
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Spike Taylor.
Max: "Yeah, dad! It was huge and giant bigger than the building!!!" He said to Spike.
Spike: "Whoa?! That thing was the one who scared the T-Rex back to the card?!" He asked his son and the others.
Rex: "Yeah, believe him...Mr. Owen....I think that thing was the scariest of monster and that thing isn't a dinosaur." He said to Spike.
Spike: "Not a dinosaur? What do you mean?" He asked Rex.