Chapter 2-The testing chambers

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You stand at a now empty Gamestation, the children that was spared had left this hellish place for the day, while the rest that's not so lucky had been sent to the Playcare where they are to stay until it is their turn to become a part of this hellish place... The train at the center of the Gametstation sits there at the tracks, it is shiny like it was freshly painted and polished after a messy accident, and the door is opened inviting you and many other personnel inside. You sigh wanting to just wish you could have a heart attack right here and now, that would be a better way to go then any other options this factory can offer.

The loud horn of the train shakes you out of your gloomy state as its waiting for you to board so it can depart, so you pray to any god that can hear you and board the train.

The door shuts firmly behind you and a loud sound of steam being released cues the motion of the train leaving the Gamestation, you take a seat in silence listening to many coworkers talk to one another like it's just a normal day, like they don't care about the children or trapped in heavy denial from the weight of the circumstances. You attempt to take a look out the windows... Course there's hardly anything to see outside, just a long tunnel with a light occasionally fly by like driving by light poles on a highway. Eventually at one point or another, you spot a sentence scratched on a wall from what looks to be from something sharp as a knife, you couldn't make out the whole sentence as the train was moving to fast...But you manage to see 2 words "Hour" and "Joy". You turn back around to look at your piers who are still talking amongst themselves, it seems no one even noticed the strange writings. You just decide to keep this to yourself, eventually the upper management will get rid of it by paint or something even if you do for some reason say anything.

Maybe if you get a hold of security footage you could be able to read what it says...But you need security access for that.

With the sound of the trains horn and screeching of the wheels coming to a halt on the tracks it signals that you have reached your destination, unfortunately you are the only one who exits at this stop. So you take a deep breath and exited the train, letting the train waste no time on shutting the door and departs to its next stop, leaving you alone at your destination. The chambers. A series of rooms with thick metal doors to keep whatever is inside each one at bay, you can hear screams and violent thrashing in some rooms, while some is unsettlingly silent or just full of footsteps that no human can make... At the very end is a giant testing room it is where the scientists keep one or two giant toys behind a large thick glass wall that seems similar to a sound booth, so they can see what makes them tick and to 'teach' them how to behave around people... However one person has to be behind that glass with it for the experiment to work.

You are terrified, you are about to be in the same room as a big living toy that has killed many people during this experiment, how can you not be? But you also know that most of these living toys are still kids... Even if they don't remember much of being human to begin with. Maybe if you can figure out what the others did that got them killed, you could be able to avoid death and live another day. You just hope experiment 1170 or huggy wuggy as his toy counterpart is called, is feeling merciful enough today.

"Oh! Dr. (L/n), you're just in time" one doctor greets you as you enter the office like room, full of machinery and beakers of strange liquids that even you don't know of. A clipboard and a remote is handed to you as you are observing the room as if you have never been here before "You got 10 minutes to memorize this before experiment 1170 wakes up" the same doctor spoke before he walks away from you to do fuck knows what. Before you look at the clipboard in your hands you look at the wall of glass to your right, a large creature of blue slightly dirty fur sits at the corner in a peaceful slumber with its back facing the glass, a purple like gas floating in whisps of swirls inside, a strong form of sleeping gas you assume. A employee turns a valve by the door to turn off the gas meaning your 10 minutes starts, you take a look at the clipboard that is full of papers and notes written in chicken scratch.

"Experiment 1170- 'Huggy Wuggy'


The subjects name looks marked out with a black sharpie like the subjects name is unknown or classified....

"Subject has recently grown more aggressive and deadly after past incidents, Ex. 1170 a pawn relocating must be exposed to poppy gas to prevent breach.

Subject must be able to give hugs with a smile and should not give people any aggression what so ever, for your safety we have installed a shock mechanism in the subjects bowtie to use when the subject does something wrong or shows aggressive behavior. Subject tends to bite and squeezes to hard for any human to stand, it is highly recommended to keep the remote strapped to your hand at all times or it will lead to serious consequences."

Is mostly the gist of the legal document, the notes give some small bits of information on how to work the remote and how to firmly strap it to your hand and wrist, however the rest are almost hard to read properly... But from what you could read, they seemed unnecessary bits that the main document didn't have like it needed updates but no one bothered to remake the document. You then take a few moments to strap the remote firmly on your own hand and wrist... Taking your time as even the instructions are hard to read but more allegeable then the other notes.

The moment you finished attaching the remote to your hand you turned to the glass one last time... Huggy Wuggy is now awake, he stands in the room against the same corner he was sleeping in however he is not facing the glass but the door from where your are supposed to enter through. You almost felt your own blood run cold as you heard one doctor spoke "Dr. (L/n) you may now approach the testing chamber to test 1170"


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