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This chapter is written by Leah, my best friend who is currently suffering from cancer. Here she will be answering questions from you all and discussing her experiences. Leah you are awesome and  I can't wait to read what you ahve to say! :)

- Zenna


I am so excited to be writing a chapter of this book and I thank Zenna so much for giving me the oppurtunity to! 

My name is Leah and I am 13 years old and fighting cancer, neuroblastoma to be exact. Here I will be explaining my story and answering your questions! 

When I was just three years old I was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. I went through chemotherapy and surgery until I became cancer free! For eight years I was in remission but the year I turned 11 the cancer came back. I have currently been fighting for around two years and its definitley been hard. I've learnt that staying positive and happy are two of the most important things when fighting cancer or another illness.

Before discovering I had cancer I was feeling dizzy/light headed a lot, constantly tired and I also had cramps in my stomach. Finally one day I vomited and my Mum took me to the hospital. They ran a bunch of tests and scans and two days later we learnt that I had cancer.

When I first heard this I was terrified. And scared. And angry. And sad. It didn't help that the doctor told us that my cancer was rather developed and that my best option was high dose chemotherapy.

My main fear was dying.

I didn't and still don't want to die. Because to me, it really means letting the cancer win. But hey, if I am going out, I'm going out fighting.

The first night of chemo was absolutely awful. I felt weird. I lay in bed for awhile before I woke up at 2:34 in the morning and I swear I vomited up practically all my insides. I remember my mum holding my hand and rubbing my back trying to make me feel better.

The next couple of days were terrible. I couldn't eat any food and had to be on a drip so I would stay hydrated. My mouth tasted of metal and I already felt wealker and more tired.

I was allowed to go home a bit after and I did not leave my bed for ages. I was tired and felt like I was pretty much ready to die right then and there. But I knew that if the chemo would keep me alive I would keep letting it slap me in the face.

Soon after coming home the next thing happened. Something I had been scared of and knew it was coming.

One afternoon I was brushing my hair and when I glanced at my hairbrush I noticed it was filled with hair. Quite a bit more then usual especially seeing as I had recently cleaned my brush. I didn't think much of it at the time and decided to have a shower. I bet that you can see where this is going. 

I of course, decided to wash my hair and uh, kinda died. I was rinsing out the shampoo when I pulled my hand away and found it covered in strands of my beautiful blonde hair. I knew instantly what was coming. I tried to rinse the rest of the soap out, hoping for minimal damage. Clearly my hopes were not strong enough. A chunck of my hair fell out as soon as I touched it and I watched it rush towards the drain. I grabbed it, turned off the shower, crying. I wrapped my towel around me before I pulled on some clothes quickly before maikng my way towards my parents room.

I held out the handfull of hair that had just been on my head towards my Mum. I watched her face change before she pulled me into a hug. 

She said, "I'm so sorry Le. What would you like me to do?"

Honestly, I was kinda hoping she would have the answers but she clearly didn't.

"Could you help me brush it?" I asked and she nodded, grabbed a brush and sat me on her lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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