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After RAD at HOL 

In the hall Beel was eating and cuddling with Belph on the couch, Satan was reading his new book, Asmo was scrolling through Devilgram and Levi was looking for a new game to buy on Akuzon. 

Mammon entered through the door and into the hall and everyone looked in his direction. Asmo started to snicker while looking at his D.D.D

Levi: I'm leaving this house and I won't ever come back hahahah someone was telling he won't come back and now he came back like an idiot

Satan: you really are shameless

Beel: Guys stop it give him some break

Belph: Beel stop defending him he 

Mammon ignored all the taunts and insults and headed to his room to take his stuff. He went inside his room, took a bag and stuffed some of his clothes in it, while he was taking his clothes a photo fell from between his clothes it was a family photo they had taken some centuries ago they all looked so happy and he remembers how close they were and how much the brothers cared for each other. He placed the photo on the table with a bitter smile and closed the door.

Lucifer was in a meeting with Diavolo that's why he came home late as he entered the house he asked the brothers about Mammon

Lucifer: Where is Mammon? I swear if he was out gambling again I'll give him double punishment  

Asmo: He came awhile ago and went into his room 

Lucifer: oh Levi go to his room and call him for dinner 

Levi: Why do I have to call that loser 

Lucifer: Will you go already

Levi: ok ok I'll call that idiot

As Levi was going to call for Mammon he came down with a bag hanging around his shoulders and walked without saying anything. Lucifer stopped him 

Lucifer: Where are you going at dinner time and why are you carrying a bag

Satan: Don't tell me you stole something again and are going to sell it

Levi: Oii did you take my Rui - chan so you can sell her

Asmo: Did you stole my makeup since all my beauty products are so expensive

Bell: Guys why do always accuse him without even listening to him

Lucifer: Ok let's hear what is in his bag and where is he going

Mammon: It seems like you guys have a memory loss or something didn't I tell you this morning that I am leaving this house I only came back to take my clothes with me

Belph: oh so finally we'll have some peace with you gone (he'll return within two days)

Levi: with you gone no one will steal from us anymore (lets see how many days he'll keep up this drama)

Satan: (He'll be back in 3 days for my birthday. he has never missed any of my birthday even if he was ill)

Lucifer: sure you can go ahead (surely he'll be back by Satan's birthday. He always plans something for his birthday)

Mammon felt a sting in his heart after listening to their words and slowly started to leave the house

Mammon: (what was I thinking that they will stop me from leaving now I'm sure no one loves me)

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