Black and Potter

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"I'm Astra by the way," Astra said kindly to the boy. Neville smiled softly up at her, relieved that someone was willing to assist him in his predicament.

"I'm Neville Longbottom... thanks for helping me. Nobody else has tried to help; most people just laughed at me," Neville muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of insecurity as they continued to walk through the train, checking compartments and inquiring if anyone had seen his missing toad, Trevor.

They spent the next half hour searching up and down the train, asking every passenger they encountered, but their efforts proved fruitless. Astra tried to offer some comfort to the dejected Neville. "It's alright, Neville. I'm sure you'll find him eventually. He couldn't have gone too far. Maybe he's just jumped into someone's luggage or something."

Neville sighed, his shoulders drooping with a mixture of exhaustion and disappointment. "I guess so..."

"You can come back and sit with me if you want," Astra offered kindly but he was quick to refuse, hiding the fact that he didn't want to sit with those boys by just telling her that he was going to keep on looking for his toad. 

"Alright, well, I should head back," Astra said, hesitating before making her way back to her compartment. However, in her hurry, she collided with someone in the corridor. "Merlin, I'm so sorry!" Astra apologized, looking over to see who she had bumped into.

It was a girl with striking green eyes and long brown hair. She smiled at Astra, her demeanor friendly and welcoming. "Don't sweat it, it's no biggy," the girl replied, smiling warmly at Astra. "I was just looking for the bathroom. I've got to get changed into my robes."

"You're a first-year too?" Astra asked hopefully, immediately taking a liking to the girl.

"Yeah I am... didn't even know about magic until recently. My brother and I live with our Aunt and Uncle... they aren't exactly into all this magic stuff."

Astra nodded her head, "you must be excited to start at Hogwarts then, bet it was a big shock when you read your Hogwarts letter," she said

"You dont even know the half of it," the girl laughed, rubbing the back of her neck anxiously. "But yeah, I dont think ive ever been happier than when I found out I'd be coming to Hogwarts."

"If you want, we could head back to where im sitting and I'll grab my robes and then we can find the bathroom," Astra suggested

"That sounds great," the girl replied with a grateful smile. "I'm Alora, by the way. Alora Potter."

"Potter?" Astra asked, her eyes widening slightly. Alora watched her anxiously, wondering how she would react.

"I'm Astra Black," Astra smiled, extending her hand for Alora to shake. Alora grinned happily, shaking her hand. It was the first normal reaction she had received after revealing her identity, and she was grateful for it. Alora had only known her for a few seconds but she was sure that the two of them were going to be good friends. 

They made their way back to Astra's compartment, sliding the door open. "Took you long enough, we thought you had got lost," Jasper spoke and then his eyes fell on Alora, "I see you picked up a stray along the way," he continued

"Well who shat in your cuppa this morning?" Alora asked with a snicker

"Tell me about it," Astra said, grinning over at the girl, "I swear the guy just permanently has a stick up his ass or something."

"Stop talking about me like im not here," Jasper snapped

"Sorry," Astra said, grinning over at him, clearly not sorry. Astra pulled one of her bags down and put it on the chair, rummaging through it, "should have put it on the top," she grumbled to herself as she internally scolded herself for not putting her robes at the top of her bag

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