Chapter 10

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Angelina decided we should play a game .

"Truth or Dare." Angelina says. I blush, "What are we 12?" I secretly really want to play. She rolled her eyes, "Okay I'll start. Truth or dare?" She asks me.

"Dare." Angelina hums "I dare you to talk in a British accent for the next 3 rounds" I giggle "aaull roight" I say in the fakest British accent.

She laughs at me "you could at least try to make it convincing"

I roll my eyes playfully at her "Okay Emma, truth or dare?" I ask in my actual British accent.

Angelina looks at me in shock "wait what? Are you British?" I giggle at her trying to smile a bit less as I've noticed I smile a lot around her.
"yeah sort of my mothers British, I lived there till I was like 5, then we moved to Canada." I explain. She just smiles and tilts her head ever so slightly to the side. "Cool" she says. We just stare at each other for a few seconds but it feels like ages and my cheeks start turning red.

"Ok stop staring into each others souls, it's my turn." Emma exclaims with a smirk. Immediately both of your faces turn bright red.

"I- we're not-" Angelina starts. I just hid my face in my hands. "Emmaaa" I sigh "ok truth or dare"

"Dare" she says proudly. I think for a second, "put 4 ice cubes down your shirt" I say with a smirk. "What?! Bitch why?! Urg fineee" Emma frowns and goes to my fridge to get ice. She closes her eyes real tight and counts to 3 before putting the ice cubes down her shirt. "Aaaah fuuckk that's cold!!" She yells jumping up and down. Angelina and I laugh at her.

"You're so dramatic" I say while wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"I'm gunna get you back" Emma warns before looking at Angelina and asking truth or dare. Angelina says truth and Emma asks "who in the room are you most attracted to?" Emma smirks at Angelina proud of the truth she came up with. I roll my eyes at her but am secretly wondering what Angelina will say.

Angelina looks at me, then blushes thinking of her answer, she comes up with something. Smirking at Emma she says "Sasha cause I don't like pussys" Emma fakes hurt and slaps Angelina's arm "Hey!! I'm not a pussy" she says while I'm as bright as a tomato. She said meee!!! Emma groans as Angelina turns to me and says truth or dare. I say truth and Angelina pauses to think of a good truth. "ok, what's your type" She asks. You. I immediately think. "I don't really have a type." I say blushing. She raises her eyebrow at me waiting for an actual answer while I'm freaking out inside cause DID ANGELINA JOLIE JUST RAISE HER FREAKIN EYEBROW AT ME!! "uhhh" I sigh and start to actually think about this. "ok I don't care about hair colour or eye colour or any of that. But I like women who are confident. A little scary or intimidating but when you get to know them they are actually really cute and sweet." I say with a small smile. "Also women that are taller and older than me. Cause they're just better." I way blushing and not making eye contact with Angelina. Angelina hums "ok so Emma truth or dare?" I ask moving away from the topic quickly

"Truth" she says grinning at me from my previous description.

"Umm, if you were a man for a hour what would you do?" I asks "oh wait! I don't want to know the answer to that. I take it back!"

"Nuh uh! Not take backs!" Emma exclaims. "Ok if I was a man I would first look at my dick. Then I would go to a gym and try to act super manly. Then I would go to a club pretend I'm gay and try to meet some guys."

I roll my eyes and sigh "I shouldn't have asked that" I say and look at Angelina who's giggling. Why does she have to be so adorable? I ask myself.

"Ok! Angelina truth or dare?" Emma asks and Angelina says truth. "do you have a crush? And if so who?" Emma asks.

"That's two questions" Angelina says with a smirk. Emma rolls her eyes "Fine, who is your crush."

"That's assuming I have a crush." Angelina states with one eyebrow raised and she nods. "Well I don't have a crush." Angelina says while blushing.

"Oh come on there's got to be someone." Emma presses looking my way with a 'I'm sorry face' I give a sad smile and shake my head slightly. I feel a little disappointed but honestly what I thinking anyway.

"Nope there's no one." Angelina says matter-of-fact-ly.

"Okay then who was your most recent crush?" Emma says hopefully.

"Hey hey, your one question is up!" Angelina quickly moving on.

We did a few more questions before we call it quits and watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Then Emma left early again because she has work in the morning.

After she left Angelina and I watched the second Pirates of the Caribbean together. She said she was cold so we were already sharing a blanket and then she rested her head on my shoulder about half way through the movie. I was barely paying attention to the movie and was just like internally freaking out the whole time. Angelina fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I carefully bring her to my room because I don't have a guest room. She is very light. I put her down in my bed and decide to sleep on the couch because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep at all anyway. The past couple of days have been so crazy and my brain doesn't seem to want to calm down.

I think about all the different ways the past two days could have gone. I'm so glad that I met Angelina. She has been my saving grace. Don't get me wrong the whole thing with Sophie was terrible but it would have been a lot worse without Angelina.

Sorry for the long wait. Please vote and comment :) thanks for reading <3


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