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Cruel Insults and Unwavering Support


The cousins' lively banter continued unabated as they made their way to the event venue, their playful insults flying back and forth without pause. Their good-natured ribbing persisted even as they entered the hall, where Namjoon stood, shaking his head in amusement at their antics.

Jimin, ever the gentleman, offered his arm to Jiwoo, who playfully hooked her arm through his, creating an unspoken bond of solidarity as they ventured deeper into the event.

As they moved through the crowd, people approached them with greetings and compliments, momentarily distracting them from their ongoing battle of words. Jiwoo and Jimin had perfected the art of sticking together at such gatherings, their united front serving as a defense against the occasional rudeness they encountered.

However, their camaraderie was put to the test when an imposing and discourteous man, known for his penchant for hurling insults, approached them.

His arrogance stemmed from being the anchor of a popular show, and while Namjoon had reluctantly extended an invitation to him, it was clear that he wasn't the most pleasant guest to have around.

"Jiwoo, you look absolutely stunning, and Jimin, I must say you're quite dashing tonight," the man commented, feigning politeness.

Jimin and Jiwoo exchanged amused glances and offered polite thanks, aware of the facade the man was putting on. The cousins had learned to lean on each other during these events, ready to shield each other from unkind remarks.

At first, the conversation with the man seemed tolerable, but it took an unpleasant turn as he continued to make snide remarks.

He targeted Jiwoo's recent photoshoot, ridiculing her poses and the dresses she had worn, causing Jimin's patience to wear thin. But what nearly pushed Jiwoo over the edge was when the man criticized Jimin's recent album, implying that it sounded strange.

Jiwoo felt a surge of protectiveness toward Jimin, and Jimin's fists clenched involuntarily. They might bicker and tease each other relentlessly, but their unwavering bond was clear as day.

They shared a silent agreement in that moment: nobody insulted one of them without facing both of them. The cousins were ready to defend each other, even if it meant standing up to someone who thought he was a big hotshot.

The visible anger etched across Jiwoo and Jimin's faces caught Namjoon's attention, and he began to make his way toward them, concern furrowing his brow. However, before he could intervene, a familiar presence came to the cousins' rescue.

Jin, always composed and diplomatic, slid his arms around Jiwoo and Jimin's shoulders, positioning himself between them and the unruly guest. With a disarming smile, he faced the man, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I must say, Mr. Kwon, your recent episode was quite embarrassing. I couldn't even bear to watch it halfway through," Jin remarked, his words polite but laced with a subtle warning. Jimin couldn't help but smirk, knowing that Jin was about to deliver a graceful dismissal.

Mr. Kwon, however, responded with irritation, demanding an explanation. "What do you mean? What was wrong with it?" he retorted, his frustration clear.

Jin's smile remained, but his response grew sterner. "By 'everything,' I mean the way you disrespect your guests and make fun of them. It's not humor; it's cruelty. You should reconsider your approach, Mr. Kwon, or you'll find your career spiraling downward."

Defiantly, Mr. Kwon tried to assert his authority, emphasizing his age. "How can a 29-year-old like you tell me what to do? I'm 45 this year."

Jin's politeness never wavered as he delivered his comeback. "Age doesn't necessarily equate to maturity, Mr. Kwon, and your actions speak volumes in that regard. Now, if you don't mind, could you please leave my friends alone?"

Infuriated, Mr. Kwon let loose a cruel remark about Jiwoo, accusing her of wearing short dresses and using a derogatory term. Jin's normally calm demeanor shattered at the insult to his best friend. Without hesitation, he delivered a powerful punch to Mr. Kwon's face, sending him sprawling.

Approaching the fallen man, Jin crouched down, his voice firm. "Don't ever use that word to describe any woman, especially my best friend."

The entire room fell into shocked silence, everyone aghast at the sudden turn of events. Jiwoo stood frozen, tears welling in her eyes, unprepared for such a hurtful remark simply because she had chosen to wear a dress for her work.

It was Jimin who broke her trance, gently shaking her back to reality. Meanwhile, Namjoon swiftly called for security, ensuring that Mr. Kwon would be blacklisted from any future events.

"Jimin, he called me that just because I dress according to my profession?" Jiwoo's voice trembled with disbelief and hurt as she turned to Jimin for support.

Jin stepped forward before Jimin spoke, his presence offering comfort and strength. He gently took Jiwoo's hands in his own and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Trust me, Kang Jiwoo, what you wear doesn't define you, especially when it comes to the opinions of people like that guy. You're not just one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, but the way you dress adds a layer of fierce confidence to your beauty. You're the best model for a reason."

Jiwoo's lips curled into a grateful smile, and Jin's nod of approval reassured her even more. Overwhelmed with emotion, she surprised Jin by pulling him tightly into a warm embrace.

Jin, who was surprised at first, smiled and returned the hug with genuine affection, feeling a newfound sense of brotherly protectiveness. He realized in that moment that he had found a sister, someone he would stand up for and defend without hesitation.

"Thanks, Jin. It means the world to me," Jiwoo whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I was too stunned in that moment, and this dress wouldn't have been ideal for a roundhouse kick to his nose, but your punch was absolutely legendary."

Jimin and Namjoon couldn't help but smile, their admiration for Jiwoo's resilience growing. She had quickly bounced back from the incident, displaying her strength and playful spirit once more.

Jimin, however, couldn't let go of the anger that still simmered within him. "I wish I could've punched that bastard too," he muttered, his eyes flashing with lingering fury at the memory.

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