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Midnight Talking


Jiwoo returned home, her steps light and her heart brimming with excitement. She carefully removed her favorite pair of footwear, placing them neatly in a corner of her room. With a burst of enthusiasm, she leaped onto her bed and dialed Jungkook's number.

"Hello?" Jungkook's voice came through the phone, and Jiwoo's heart fluttered at the sound.

"Hi," she said, her voice filled with warmth and happiness.

"Jiwoo?" Jungkook whispered, a hint of uncertainty in his tone. Jiwoo's smile widened.

"Yeah, it's me," she confirmed.

Relief washed over Jungkook, evident in his voice. "I thought you'd never call," he admitted, his words tinged with happiness.

Jiwoo chuckled softly, her voice soft and endearing. "Well, I kind of lost your number and forgot to ask for it in the convenience store because Jimin almost murdered me for wandering off without telling him. Then, I met Taehyung today at the party, and he told me you were sitting at home like a grumpy kid because I hadn't called you. So, I asked him for your number, and now I'm calling you... Wait, sorry, I tend to talk a lot sometimes," Jiwoo apologized, realizing she had rambled on.

Jungkook reassured her, his voice gentle and affectionate. "Oh, I don't mind at all. I love your voice, and I enjoyed listening to you."

Changing the subject, Jungkook asked, "Anyways, you met Taehyung? Tae never goes to parties; he hates them."

Jiwoo nodded even though Jungkook couldn't see her. "Yeah, he said he came to talk to me. It makes me happy that you missed me that much," she teased, a playful tone in her voice. Jungkook blushed, grateful that their conversation was over the phone, shielding him from Jiwoo's view.

"Oh, I mean, yeah, I thought you weren't interested because..." Jungkook trailed off, hesitating to express his concerns.

Jiwoo chuckled, understanding his unspoken words. "Jin is like a brother to me now. I did have a crush on him initially, but we decided to be friends because of the scandal. And today, I can proudly say that he's one of the best people I've ever met," Jiwoo shared, her smile radiating genuine appreciation, which brought a matching grin to Jungkook's face.

"Well, I'm glad you're not into him," Jungkook admitted, his voice filled with relief, the weight of uncertainty lifting from his shoulders.

"I'm equally thrilled you're not dating the girl you were carrying on your back near the convenience store," Jiwoo quipped, and for a moment, Jungkook was momentarily puzzled. Then the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place, and he let out an amused "Oh."

"You mean Aera? There's nothing between us. Taehyung accidentally pushed her shopping cart, and it rolled over her foot. She couldn't get up, so I helped her to Tae's car," Jungkook explained eagerly, wanting to clarify the misunderstanding.

"I know," Jiwoo replied, "Taehyung told me, and then he took her to the hospital."

Jungkook lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a wide smile as he continued their conversation. "Do you know what happened next? They found out Aera actually broke her foot, and now she has a huge plaster," he shared.

Jiwoo winced sympathetically, imagining the pain Aera must be going through. "That sounds so painful. If I broke my foot, I wouldn't be able to work at all," she remarked with genuine concern.

Jungkook nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it must be incredibly tough, especially for someone like you who's a model." "I mean yeah, it's hard to be on a diet," Jiwoo grumbled.

"I'm a photographer," Jungkook began, "I do Landscape and Architectural photography. Sometimes wildlife photography and Astrophotography when I'm traveling."

Jiwoo gasped, her eyes filled with intrigue. "Wait, isn't this fate? You're a photographer, and I'm a model. Also, I'm a fashion and commercial model," she pointed out.

A sense of excitement filled Jungkook's heart as he considered the connection. "Well, I'm not typically into the fashion and portrait photography lane, but I'd love to capture your beauty through my lens someday, if you'd be interested, of course," he offered with a hint of anticipation in his voice.

Jiwoo's excitement bubbled over, and she couldn't contain her joy. She let out a delighted squeal. "I'd absolutely love that!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious as they continued to bond over their shared interests and the exciting prospect of working together in the future.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as the night passed, hearts aflutter and butterflies in their stomachs going wild as they chatted, playfully flirting at every opportunity. They delved into stories from their past, from Jiwoo's playful moments with Jimin during their childhood to all the pranks Taehyung had pulled on Jungkook. They shared their likes, dislikes, and the things they were passionate about.

The passage of time seemed to escape them, and it wasn't until Jiwoo's alarm clock rang that they realized how late-or early-it had become. "Wait, it's 5:00 AM already?" Jiwoo exclaimed, reaching to stop the alarm.

Jungkook, amused by their lengthy conversation, opened the curtains to his window and saw the sun beginning to rise. "Did we really talk all night like they do in books?" Jiwoo mused, and they both laughed, their connection deepening with each passing moment.

Jungkook, his nerves tingling with anticipation, gathered the courage to ask, "Well, do you want to meet up? I could take pictures for you?"

Jiwoo couldn't contain her smile as she eagerly agreed, "I'm free on Wednesday, but I'll have to go now; I have a shoot today. Let's meet at the convenience store near your house. It wasn't that crowded, and it'll be easy for me to walk without a mask."

Jungkook readily accepted the plan, the prospect of their upcoming meeting adding an extra layer of excitement to their connection. They exchanged final pleasantries before hanging up, both looking forward to the day they would finally meet in person.


Monday passed for Jiwoo in a whirlwind of work and commitments, while Jungkook was occupied with a photography assignment centered around promoting a well-known local landmark.

On Tuesday morning, Jungkook met up with Taehyung, and the moment they saw each other, Jungkook enveloped Taehyung in a tight hug. "Taehyung, I love you so much," he declared, his emotions overflowing.

Taehyung blinked at Jungkook, momentarily taken aback by the intensity of his affection. "Thanks, but I'm straight," Taehyung chuckled, his playful tone diffusing the moment. "I appreciate your feelings, though."

Jungkook, still holding onto Taehyung, rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Disgusting, Taehyung. You're not my type. If I ever date a guy, it would never be you," he teased, his tone light-hearted. "Maybe the CEO of Jiwoo's company, though; he has nice thighs."

Taehyung couldn't help but burst into laughter, wholeheartedly agreeing with Jungkook's assessment. "Anyways," Jungkook continued, his excitement bubbling over, "THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving my number to Jiwoo. I'm meeting up with her tomorrow, and I'm so excited. Time isn't passing quickly enough; I can't wait for tomorrow."

Taehyung smiled at the younger boy's enthusiasm, genuinely hoping things would go well for them. "I hope everything goes smoothly for you two," he said, offering his best wishes. "But now, I've got to go. I need to pick up Aera from her house and drop her off at her workplace."

Jungkook couldn't resist teasing Taehyung one more time, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Sure, just friends helping each other out," he said sarcastically.

Taehyung playfully threatened to stab Jungkook with his car key. "We really are just friends, I'm helping her get around because I accidentally broke her foot," Taehyung clarified, his tone amused.

Jungkook, still in a teasing mood, responded with a sarcastic "Sure," prompting Taehyung to give him a light smack on his butt before heading off to fulfill his friend's request, leaving Jungkook to eagerly anticipate his upcoming meeting with Jiwoo.

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