★ sapphire eyes ★

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*beep beep beep* Killua groaned as he rolled over the bed and switched off the alarm, and it fell on the floor in the process. He sighed allowed and lazily got up to go the bathroom do his morning routine.

After that he went into his mini kitchen and started making breakfast for him and Alluka.

Once the sausages were cooking, he decided to go wake up his little sister in the other room.

"Alluka!" Killua called but no answer, so he turned on the lights and he saw a figure roll over.

"Come on it's time to get up!" He said as he shook his sister.

Alluka popped up from the bed with her bed-head looking all messy and a bit of drool from her mouth. Her big brother laughed at the sight.

"What's so funny?" she asked in her lazy morning voice.

"Nothing nothing, just get ready" Killua waved her off.

Alluka raised an eyebrow and started sniffing. "I smell something....*sniff* burning?"

The two siblings turned toward the kitchen. "Oh crap!!!" Killua yelled as he scurried out his sister's room to save the sausages, whilst Alluka was laughing.

Alluka came out in her new school uniform.

A beige coloured dress with a naïve cardigan.

"Looking good Alluka" Killua applauds his sister as she does a little twirl.

"Come sit down before they're cold" Killua said and Alluka raced towards the table and started eating.

She bit into the sausage and frowned. "How are they?" Killua looked at his sister for response.

"A bit burnt...." Alluka mumbled.

Killua sighed and slouched back in his chair. "I know I'm not a professional but I'm getting there"

"I bet Gon-Chan can cook" Alluka huffed.

"Excuse me?!" Killua dramatically put his hand on his chest and looked at Alluka in disbelief.

"He wasn't the one who was bought up to kill people alright? Now stop complaining and eat!" Killua snapped.

Alluka pouted. "I miss Gon-Chan..." Alluka said quietly.

Killua flinched at his name and looked down "yeah.....so do I" he mumbled.

"C-come on now! Hurry up you're gonna be late for your first day" Killua quickly changed the subject but in his mind was still thinking about Gon.

'I wonder what he's doing right now' he thought.

A/N: new book! How are we feeling about this one? 😆

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