Chapter THREE

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"Okay, decorations are up! Got flowers! We're lighting the candles later right? Ring... WHERE'S THE RING?" Gyuvin was panically pacing around in ZeroBase.

"Calm down. You left it with me." Eunbyeol took the ring box out from her pocket. "You look very nervous, Gyuvin-ah."

"Because I am! What if Yuna rejects my proposal?"

"I thought you're used to being rejected by her?"

"Ya Eunbyeol-ah!"

"Don't worry, it's going to go well." Eunbyeol patted Gyuvin on his arm.

"Hanbin's still not here? I'll actually cut ties with him if he misses this important moment."

"He's already hurrying over from the airport. He'll make it in time."

"Eunbyeol-ah, what if Hanbin proposes to you? Will you say yes?"

"I refuse to answer your hypothetical and unrealistic question. The only thing that should be concerning you now is if Yuna's going to say yes."

"Kim Gyuvin, stop chit chatting. You better go get changed now." Chaeyeon ordered with her hands on her hips.

Gyuvin started planning his proposal six months ago. He wanted to give Yuna the perfect proposal with all their friends witnessing.

ZeroBase was closed for the night. The bar was beautifully decorated with flowers and balloons, creating a romantic atmosphere. The path from the entrance was lined with two lines of candles. Photos of Gyuvin and Yuna were projected on the wall, showcasing all their special moments from when they were toddlers.

Eunbyeol gazed at the photos, taking a trip down memory lane. It felt just like yesterday when Gyuvin came crying after he broke up with Yuna, and now they were going to get married. Well, only if the proposal was successful.

She then looked towards Arin, who was behind the bar table, also looking at the photos on the wall.

"Are you okay?" Eunbyeol walked towards Arin.

Arin nodded slowly with a forced smile.

"You don't have to stay here if it's too hard to bear. I can make up an excuse for you."

"It's okay, I want to be here, Unnie." She wanted to be there to witness Gyuvin's significant and happy moment.

Eunbyeol returned a nod of understanding.

"Our worldwide superstar is here." Ricky shouted as he saw Hanbin walk into ZeroBase.

Gyuvin, who was coming out of the bathroom after changing into his white suit, immediately darted towards his bestie whom he hadn't seen in ages. Chaeyeon, who was next to him, pulled him by the arm and stopped him from going further.

"Why?" Gyuvin whined.

"It's not your turn yet."

As soon as Hanbin saw Eunbyeol, he sprinted towards her and gave her a big, tight hug.

"I'm back! Did you miss me?" Hanbin was out of town for almost a month due to his US tour.

"A little?" Eunbyeol replied teasingly.

"I missed you a lot though." Hanbin pouted.

"I think Gyuvinnie missed you more than me. He wouldn't stop talking about you and kept complaining that you weren't replying to his messages. He probably needs some consolation." Eunbyeol jokingly stated. "He even said if you didn't show up in time for his proposal, he would never talk to you again."

"Haha okay. I'll go console him."

Hanbin then walked towards Gyuvin with open arms. After receiving the invitation, Gyuvin jumped onto Hanbin.

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