Chapter 12

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*Not the best but still wanted to post: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JISUNG AND FELIX*

Felix nervously taps his foot, feeling eyes staring holes into his back. He doesn't even have to turn around to know who it is. The new student has been following him around now for a month and Felix is finally understanding why Hyunjin is worried. The boy hadn't tried anything, he just followed Felix, everywhere Felix would go, the boy would follow him.

Felix is up the moment the bell rings, quickly gathering his belongings and walking out of the classroom, meeting up with Hyunjin at his locker.

Hyunjin frowns, noticing the boy is following Felix once again. "We should report this." He huffs, stuffing his books into his bag.

The younger shakes his head. "No, I don't want him to get into trouble."

"Lix, he is stalking you."

Felix pouts, still shaking his head. "It's fine." He closes his locker, dragging Hyunjin through the halls. Jeongin wasn't in today, as he woke up complaining about feeling sick. Neither him nor Hyunjin believed he actually wasn't feeling good, Jeongin probably just wanted to stay home and hang out with Jisung. "Let's just take the long way home."

Hyunjin and Felix freezes as they enter the shop, eyes landing on a familiar brown-haired boy.

Chan looks up, smiling at them. "You boys are home."

Hyunjin slowly nods his head, closing the door of the store behind him. "Hey..."

Changbin frowns at the two, putting down the box his is carrying. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... who are they?" Hyunjin looks confused between Changbin and Chan.

Chan smiles. "Oh boys, this is Wonpil and his son Seungmin."

Wonpil smiles at the two boys. "Nice to meet you."

Hyunjin frowns, not sure what is going on. Suddenly a fox jumps onto his shoulder, making himself comfortable. "Innie, what you doing?"

Jeongin just presses his little fox head against Hyunjin's neck.

Chan frowns before turning back to Wonpil, who tells Seungmin to go talk to the other boys, noticing they're wearing the same school uniform.

Seungmin quietly walks over, standing in front of them awkwardly.

Hyunjin looks him up and down, now seeing him from close by for the first time.

Changbin pats Seungmin's shoulder before walking off, needing to finish up his work.

"Why are you stalking my brother."

Seungmin looks up, frowning. "You're not brothers."

Hyunjin huffs. "We are."

The other shakes his head. "He's a fae, you're a merman. You literally can't be brothers."

Felix steps closer to Hyunjin, wondering how Seungmin figured that out.

Jeongin growls at Seungmin, wanting to jump him but knows better.

"We are still brothers. Doesn't have to be blood." Hyunjin glares at Seungmin. "What's your deal?"

Seungmin rolls his eyes. "Fae's shouldn't be hanging out with your kind."

"Say who? My parents always told me I should learn from others. What's wrong with interacting with other species? You're just being rude. You're father seems to be friends with others." Felix huffs, knowing where Seungmin is coming from. In the Fae realm they're taught not to interact with other species unless it's business related.

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