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-Y/n Pov-

After what felt like hours of screaming and banging on the back of the door i got tired and soon stopped

Not long after the car stopped and the doors opens and the same people dragged me out and into their really nice mansion

They opened it and threw me on the floor and i laid on the floor crying and scared not knowing what was happening


I heard footsteps but didn't bother lifting my head up

I finally got the courage to look up after they all was standing around me and i seen a lot dominating looking women and...BILLIE!!


B-yes ma'am

Y-can u help me pls!!I...

Reality set in quickly as i realized what was going on

Y-shit...ur behind this

B-Yes Ma'am*smiles*

She bends down to me and grabs my face hard making me look at her

B-we own u now...u are ours...ur Boyfriend Tyler was Taylers Brother and when he brought u to my concert we was plotting then...we have been for 3 years...if u wanna know why, he fell for another girl and wanted to get rid of u the nicest way he could. He is also in a gang and he has other priorities

Y-kidnapping me and letting me think we had a home invasion was the nicest way?!!

I glared holding back tears

B-that was my idea

Y-fuck ur idea-


She left a stinging pain on my cheek when she slapped me

B-u will not fucking talk to me like that...it doesn't have to be all bad baby. U were my number one fan remember?. Look ik tonight has been bad for u and u need to adjust so i will let u sleep tonight and in the morning after u shower Tyler,off...come downstairs and cook and we will all talk about ur new rules

She helps me up and tears slowly falls

The Ruby girl scares me more than any of them just from how she is looking at me

B-the three that picked u up is Hoyen, Ruby and my second hand Zendaya

Ho-she stabbed 2 out of 3

B-its ok it will get treated and she will learn her ways

Y-and if I don't?...

B-then u deal with me


B-anyways the others is Maya, Keke, Kristen, Tayler(Tylers sister) and Kehlani ur ex works for her and she has her own gang but she will be over a lot to have a taste of u

M-shes a pretty little thing

Tay-ik I can't wait to see what my brother liked about u so much.

Billie grabbed my hand and took me upstairs and walked me down the corridor

She opened one door and it was very beautiful

B-ik its not much but ur barely gonna be in here anyways

Y-its too much actually

B- anyways get some rest because in the morning ur making breakfast


B-good girl oh and ur clothes are in the closet Tyler told us ur size and gave us most of ur clothes

Y-...he really didn't love me did he?

I say wanting to do nothing but break down

How could he do this to me. Sell me off or play with my feeling...why not just break up with me!!

B-...no he didn't and that's the truth because I would've never did my girlfriend like that

Y-Girlfriend?...as in u have one-

B-yea...take a shower and get some rest see u in the morning also wear lingerie in the morning too its in the white dresser its full of swim suits collars,leashes and lingeries

Y-wait what?!

B-we will explain in the morning goodnight

She closes the door and locks it so now im really stuck in here

I sat on the bed crying to myself for a whole hour looking back on me and Tyler

Tyler was my life,my heart,and my everything i gave him everything he wanted. I never questioned him and yea we fight but thats what couples do

How could he fall for someone else and sell me i swear when i see him again im gonna slap him

I hate the fact that even tho he did betray me like this for someone else i still love him because he was all i had and he knows that. That's 3 years i gave him

I left my whole fucking family and he does this to me!

I started to go from sad to angry and i got up and tossed the little table with the lit candle onto the ground

Luckily the fire blew out before it hit the floor but candle wax got on the carpet but I didn't care

I had a full on melt down throwing what i can

I screamed shouted and cried but no matter what...nothing

I soon got myself together calming down and just giving in

I look for something comfortable to wear and half of the clothes were mine...billie...she wasn't lying

I got some clothes and took another shower and scrub all the Tyler off me because I completely loathe him at the moment

I get out and brush my teeth and wash my face and fix um my hair and dress in a giant t-shirt

I get out and brush my teeth and wash my face and fix um my hair and dress in a giant t-shirt

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I lay in bed and think about whats to come now that i am owned

I'm not even gay or nor do i wanna kiss a girl

I use to love billie and wanted to be with her so bad but i only wanted to because I couldn't and i am in love with Tyler

I guess she took that kidnapping thing literally

I can't see my life without him but he didn't feel the same

I just want my boyfriend back

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