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-Y/n Pov-

I been in Rubi's room pissed because billie hurt Tay but it was my fault for even telling her

And Kehlani...the way she looked at me...no wonder she is her own boss

I didn't want her to get in trouble i just wanted them to talk to her but clearly they didn't do that

The door opens and its Billie, Kehlani and a random dude who was fine as hell and he was starring at me hard

B-y/n this is our butler and ur bodyguard when u wanna go out and ur babysitter when u have to stay here alone he is my blood brother and one of Lani' s men. He is the best she has and he has no choice but to do right especially here.

I look at billie angry pouting and she smiles at me

B-Jacob u can go we have to talk


He leaves and she comes over and crouch in front of me with her hand on my thighs as Kehlani came closer


Y-u promised...

B-no I didn't i said Mhm

Y-she is ur sister billie

B-blood doesn't mean shit to me it's about loyalty and trust and I didn't trust her and her loyalty wasn't there...but u my flower was both and that's why i have that butler and he will do whatever but fuck u, ok?

Y-yes daddy

B-Good... Keke will take her position ok? Ima also give u the new schedule later on


B-u still mad at daddy?

Y-no...but i'm still mad at her

Ke-because i yelled at u?

Y-yes!...it kinda hurt my feelings ok?

I said to her and billie laughed moving

B-she ain't never seen her favorite girl so mad at her before

She joked and lani came over squatting now

Ke-i apologize ok princess?...we good now?


She kisses me quick and leaves with billies. After a while Ruby shows up with some rope smiling closing the door

Ru-naked now

Y-daddy wha-

Ru-now y/n

She said and i instantly started to get undressed

She pulled out a flogger in her dresser and I started to panic i was scared

Ru-lay on the bed

I do as she say and grip the cover as she rubs my ass then a hard sting is all i feel

She hits my ass making me moan jumping a bit and she smiles

Ru-u like being treated like this?...who knew u could be so lewd...



Ru-i can't hear u y/n i asked u a question


Y-yes sir~

Av-who do u belong to?~...who has there name all over this body today?

Y-u daddy~

Ru-yea?...Mm~ur such a good girl...u don't know what u do to me~


Ru-tell me ur mine~...tell me u want me

She growled and i griped harder i know my ass was red it was painful but bare able and it made me soaked

Av-u are soaking up my bad like a bad girl without permission *smiles*...who said u could get my bed wet?

She gets undressed then grab something else then getting on the bed and sits me up pulling my hair making me straddle her

I instantly feel her dick and moan at the feeling between my folds

She smacks my ass and next thing i know is i gasped hard at the feeling something going in my ass

Ru-never had a butt plug?*smiles*


I said trembling with a shaky breath and holy shit it feels fucking amazing

Av-hngh~ fuck...u feel that? U feel me princess?

Y-yes daddy~

I move up and down on her and shit this toy is making this feel 10 times better

As im moving back and forth Ruby licks my chest up to my neck moaning

Ru-u are so damn wet ima about to explode~

Y-me too sir~

I whined

Y-ugh it feels so fucking good i can't take it!!~

I yelled out rubbing my pussy and she moves my hand going faster making me squirt everywhere on her body

Pulling my ass to her face shaking as i am wetting Ruby with my pussy in her face and she sucked on it not making it any better

Ruby got some of my juices and rubs it in on her dick until she cums and she pulls me down. All the way to her dick and puts her cum on my pussy and i rub it in

When she calms down she pushes me on my back and rub her dick at my entrance

Av-almost forgot

She grabs the rope and puts it around my wrist tight

She shoves into hard no warning and I grabbed her nipples and she groaned going deep inside me

Ru-i wanna hear its mine~ tell me Haa~

Y-ughhh its ur's daddy~

She was rearranged my guts fucking me hard like she said she would

She flipped me around on my knees and i was face down on the bed and she brought my ass up

She put her hands on my back ramming into me deep in my pussy making me sweat

Y-im gonna explode~!!

I whined desperately for her to make me cum and she smacks my ass and soothes it after

Her moans turns to grunts and she cums inside me and i cum once again also squirting

Ru-shit my bed is soaked

She says out of breath and I couldn't move i was just stuck

She pulled the butt plug out almost making me cum again

She put the toys away and laid me down to take off the rope and she kisses me



Yu-ok mamas lets go to sleep

She gets in bed and lay down behind me cuddling me


She whisper lastly before we both drift off the sleep

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